Code for generating figures in Henriksen, Cumming, & Read (2016) PLoS Computational Biology. All code is released under GPL v2, a version of which you can find on All simulations require BEMtoolbox, which is available on Clone the repository, run SetupBEMtoolbox in Matlab and run the code for the figures. Note: most of these simulations will save data to disk in order to speed up simulations. This may take up to several GB, and will be stored in your BEMtoolbox/.data directory.
The code has not been extensively tested on different platforms and was developed on Linux so there might very well be some compatibility issues. Please let me know if you run into any errors (email: sid(dot)henriksen(at)gmail(dot)com).
The organization of this repository is pretty straightforward. The directories alternation_data and dotsize_data hold the psychophysical data for the correlation alternation and dotsize experiments, respectively. The functions alternating_psych_analysis and dotsize_psych_analysis analyse these two datasets.