Hackathon Project Completed by Shweta Mestry, Tejesh Agarwal, Siddhesh Kolhapure
Link to project: https://shweta94me.github.io/result.html
We as a team achieved NYC crime data analysis and visualization on folium maps. We used NYC crime dataset from kaggle and performed feature engineering and data cleaning on this dataset. We used two columns latitude and longitude from this data set to display markers on the map. Further we classified the crime on a high, medium and low scale and displayed them with red, blue and green markers. Used folium map clustering feature to make the map look clutter free and upon zooming into the map the cluster will expand in multiple markers in the nearby zone. On click of the marker you will see a pop up displaying type for crime and area in which crime happened . We have achieved this in 1 day over night Hackathon-HackBU at Binghamton University. Thank you.