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Rails Application Templates

This is a rails application template for quickly setting up Rails 3 apps.

To Use

Fastest, try it out:

rails new appname --skip-gemfile -JTm

Slower, installation:

If you want, you can simply download the rails3.rb template file, and feed it the rails command as an argument when you generate a new app:

wget --no-check-certificate ''
rails new $appname --skip-gemfile -JTm rails3.rb 

Recommended installation, For long term usage:

I added a function to my .zshrc, which gives me shell shortcut to load the rails3.rb template hosted on github.

ZSH function to initialize rails apps with templates file: ~/.zsrhc

function rapp {
    rails new $appname --skip-gemfile -JTm${template:-rails3}.rb 

With this shell command in place you can then rRun the default rails3.rb template by using the shell command % rapp appname

Template Actions

This template carries out the following actions when you run it for a new rails app.

  • Installs a default GEMFILE with my normal gems

  • Installs a HAML based layout, application.html.haml.

    • Layout loads JQuery from Google CDN

    • Stylesheets

    • HTML5 shiv to make older brozswers recognize HTML5 styling

    • sets up favicon and google analytics partial

    • renders flashes in


  • Default main.sass file which loads things I use

  • Creates a Google Analytics partial

  • Creates a .gitignore

  • Creates a listing next steps to take

  • Creates a SECRETS file listing files to never let sneak into the open public

  • Creates a git repository for project

  • Installs Compass/Sass to manage css

  • Installs rspec and configures it for documentation format

  • Creates rspec directories needed for all testing

  • Creates an empty spec/factories.rb for using Factory Girl

  • Tells git to not ignore empty directories that we want to save

  • uses Bundler to install all gems to the project vendor/bundler directory, along with shortcuts in the bin directory

  • runs ctags to create a ctags file for navigating all of the gems, along with the rails source

  • Adds all files to the git rerpo

  • Finalizes initial commit

  • Creates local branches for staging and development


Rails templates






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