This is a rails application template for quickly setting up Rails 3 apps.
rails new appname --skip-gemfile -JTm
If you want, you can simply download the rails3.rb template file, and feed it the rails command as an argument when you generate a new app:
wget --no-check-certificate ''
rails new $appname --skip-gemfile -JTm rails3.rb
I added a function to my .zshrc, which gives me shell shortcut to load the rails3.rb template hosted on github.
ZSH function to initialize rails apps with templates file: ~/.zsrhc
function rapp {
rails new $appname --skip-gemfile -JTm${template:-rails3}.rb
With this shell command in place you can then rRun the default rails3.rb template by using the shell command % rapp appname
This template carries out the following actions when you run it for a new rails app.
Installs a default GEMFILE with my normal gems
Installs a HAML based layout, application.html.haml.
Layout loads JQuery from Google CDN
HTML5 shiv to make older brozswers recognize HTML5 styling
sets up favicon and google analytics partial
renders flashes in
Default main.sass file which loads things I use
Creates a Google Analytics partial
Creates a .gitignore
Creates a listing next steps to take
Creates a SECRETS file listing files to never let sneak into the open public
Creates a git repository for project
Installs Compass/Sass to manage css
Installs rspec and configures it for documentation format
Creates rspec directories needed for all testing
Creates an empty spec/factories.rb for using Factory Girl
Tells git to not ignore empty directories that we want to save
uses Bundler to install all gems to the project vendor/bundler directory, along with shortcuts in the bin directory
runs ctags to create a ctags file for navigating all of the gems, along with the rails source
Adds all files to the git rerpo
Finalizes initial commit
Creates local branches for staging and development