Discover your next favorite TV show with WatchListed — a TV show recommendation platform designed to offer personalized TV show recommendations based on your unique preferences. WatchListed tailors recommendations to your tastes, helping you find shows you'll love with minimal effort. This platform is deployed with Vercel and built with Python, Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Prisma ORM, and CockroachDB.
- TV Show Recommendations: Discover TV shows tailored to your preferences
- WatchList: Save your recommended TV shows to an accessible WatchList
- User Quiz: Initial quiz to personalize recommendations based on favorite shows and genres
- Search: Find TV shows easily with a search feature
- Filtering: Filter TV shows by genre, length, and other criteria
- User Authentication: Secure sign-in, sign-up, and profile management
- Next.js: React framework for building server-side rendered web applications
- Python: Utilized for developing ML algorithms that perform recommendation generation
- TypeScript: Typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript
- TailwindCSS: Utility-first CSS framework for making requests to server endpoints
- Prisma ORM: Database toolkit for TypeScript & Node.js, interacts with CockroachDB
- CockroachDB: Distributed SQL database built to support global applications
- Axios: Promise-based HTTP client for making requests to server endpoints
- REST APIs: Architectural style for using HTTP methods to enable communication between systems
- Clerk: User authentication and profile/identity management service