Generic validation library for Erlang. "Cool, but how do I use it?" -- good question!
validate_some_input(Input) ->
%% First, we need to convert our input term to a 'Z-value', sounds
%% cool right?
WrappedInput = z_wrap(Input),
%% Now comes hardcore validation part:
%% a) make sure we have a 'foo' key in our property list
%% and it's a valid integer.
Foo = z_bin_to_int(z_proplist_get(MaybeInput, {foo}, error_in_foo)),
%% b) check that 'Foo' is in a given range, or stop validation
%% with 'foo_not_in_range' error (note the third argument!)
SmallFoo = z_int_in_range(Foo, {1, 10}),
%% Just return Foo, unwrapping it from a 'Z-value' (yeah, this
%% does look ugly -- we're working on it :)
?Z_OK(Result) -> {ok, Result};
?Z_ERROR(Error) -> {error, Error}
As you've probably guessed already:
- any term you
will end up in?Z_OK(...)
clause of the try-catch block; - any validation error will arrive in
clause, withError
bound to that tricky third argument of everyz_anything
function ('error_in_foo' in our case).