CodePlayer is a javascript library which allows playing educational code scenarios in the web browser. Scenarios look and feel like videos except that everything is executed over real web editor with a real code.
A picture is worth a thousand words, so try the demo.
Scenario is a set of actions such as typing, text selection, moving cursor, tooltips and others. Actions are either auto-played or triggered by user.
By the way, scenarios and interface can be translated and played in other languages.
CodePlayer has a decent list of requirements. Here they are:
- CodeMirror (the backbone of the plugin)
- jQuery
- Underscore
- Twitter Boostrap 3 (CodePlayer relies on its styling by default. The tooltips also won't work without it.)
- FontAwesome (Used to insert icons into player controls)
- Download the plugin and include the required css and js files into the html page (see demo page source for example).
- Here's the code you need to display a player on a page:
<div id="codeplayer"></div>
var div = document.getElementById('codeplayer');
var scenario = { ... } // Scenario JSON file.
var options = { ... } // CodePlayer options + all standard CodeMirror options.
CodeMirror.player.create(div, scenario, options);
locale : string (default: 'en')
If your scenario is multilingual, this parameter will pick the language. Note that local can not be changed during playback, so you will need to re-render a player instance.
translation : object (default: empty)
Here you can pass a simple JSON object to override standard controls captions and titles. Example:
"Play": "Начать",
"Replay": "Начать заново",
"Next": "Вперед",
"Back": "Назад",
"Stop": "Стоп",
"Click on these blue things to continue.": "Кликайте на эти синие штуки для продолжения.",
"Show difference": "Показать разницу",
"Compile and test": "Компиляция и тестирование"
merge : boolean (default: false)
Whether or not show the diff viewer after scenario is finished. This option requires Merge addon for Codemirror.
This library was created for by @neochief.
If you need a similar library, but simpler, take a look at CodeMirror Movie.