This repository consists of python notebooks that I worked on while working through an essentials of Data Science course on LinkedIn Learning.
- Awards1920.csv: This is a dataset of all NSF grant awards in the field of AI and machine learning between 2019-2020 that I collected through keyword search for a research project.
- churn.csv: This is a dataset used to predict bank customer churn given the customer's demographic information, balance and credit score.
- HousePricePrediction.xlsx: This is a commonly used dataset consisting of houses with different features such as lot area, basement size, number of bedrooms, sale price etc.
- mtcars.csv: This is a commonly used dataset about different types of cars and their features such as weight, miles/gallon, number of cylinders, transmission etc.
- RELIANCE.csv: This dataset consists of the stock price of Reliance Industries between 2000-2021