is targeted to scrap collections of data from web pages with usage of friendly jquery-like (css) selectors for describing scrap strategy.
npm install great-reaper
Get top 3 hacker news:
.group('table tr:nth-child(3) table tr')
title: '.title a',
url: '.title a@href'
[ { title: 'Engineer Anti-Patterns',
url: '' },
{ title: 'Hotel Wi-Fi blocking: Marriott is bad, and should feel bad',
url: '' },
{ title: 'Can\'t you just turn up the volume?',
url: '' } ]
Filters allows you to filter out redundant items from collection
.filter(function (item) {
return item.type === 'good';
property specific filters:
type: function (type) {
return type === 'good';
Get hot questions from stackoverflow with urls.
Initially question links are relative so we should make them absolute to get correct urls.
question: '.question-hyperlink',
url: '.question-hyperlink@href',
views: '.views .mini-counts'
question: reap.t().lowercase(),
url: reap.t.().prefix(''),
views: reap.t.().int()
[ { question: 'program breaks from switch java',
url: '',
views: 49 },
{ question: 'what is the z at the end of date',
url: '',
views: 28 },
{ question: 'convert array of objects into object',
url: '',
views: 18 }, .... ]
Also you can chain transforms
summary: reap.t().lowercase().trim()
contains basic transforms functions
Tream field value
Prepend string to field value
Append string to field value
Lowercase field value
Slices field value same as string.slice
Split string using given separator and returns array
Joins array using given glue and returns string
Typecase field value to int
Typecase field value to float
You can use custom transform function:
.transform(function (item) {
if (item.type === 'good') {
item.status = 'good item';
return item;
Or apply transform for specific field
status: function (val) {
return 'status: ' + val.toLowerCase();