First of all, thanks to these great cheat sheets.
The configuration file. Sets up a Docker container when you run docker build
on it. Vastly preferable to docker commit
- .dockerignore
- FROM Sets the Base Image for subsequent instructions.
- MAINTAINER (deprecated - use LABEL instead) Set the Author field of the generated images.
- RUN execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results.
- CMD provide defaults for an executing container.
- EXPOSE informs Docker that the container listens on the specified network ports at runtime. NOTE: does not actually make ports accessible.
- ENV sets environment variable.
- ADD copies new files, directories or remote file to container. Invalidates caches. Avoid
and useCOPY
instead. - COPY copies new files or directories to container. By default this copies as root regardless of the USER/WORKDIR settings. Use
to give ownership to another user/group. (Same forADD
.) - ENTRYPOINT configures a container that will run as an executable.
- VOLUME creates a mount point for externally mounted volumes or other containers.
- USER sets the user name for following RUN / CMD / ENTRYPOINT commands.
- WORKDIR sets the working directory.
- ARG defines a build-time variable.
- ONBUILD adds a trigger instruction when the image is used as the base for another build.
- STOPSIGNAL sets the system call signal that will be sent to the container to exit.
- LABEL apply key/value metadata to your images, containers, or daemons.
- SHELL override default shell is used by docker to run commands.
- HEALTHCHECK tells docker how to test a container to check that it is still working.
Command | Description |
docker version | provides full description of docker version |
docker -v | provides a short description of docker version |
docker info | display system wide information |
docker info --format '{{.DriverStatus}}' | display 'DriverStatus' fragment from docker information |
docker info --format '{{json .DriverStatus}}' | display 'DriverStatus' fragment from docker information in JSON format |
docker version --format '{{.Server.Version}}' | display the server version |
Command | Description |
docker images | shows all images |
docker rmi $(docker images -q) | remove all images |
docker rmi -f [image-name] | force remove an image by name |
docker image rm [image-name] | remove image by name |
Command | Description |
docker run --name [container-name] [image-name] | Specific container name |
docker run --name [container-name] -d [image-name] | Specific container name, return container ID |
docker run --name [container-name] -it [image-name] | Specific container name, access container shell |
winpty docker run -it {Image name} | (Git Bash) |
docker container run --rm [image-name] | Run container based on specified imaged and immediately remove it once it stops |
docker run -it -v [volume-name]:[container-mount-path] [image-name] | Run container and bind mount volume |
Command | Description |
docker ps -a | List all containers |
docker ps --filter status=running | Check container status which is running |
docker stop $(docker ps --filter status=running -q) | Stop container which is running |
docker stop $(docker ps -aq) | Stop all running containers |
docker rm $(docker ps -aq) | Remove all containers |
docker rm [container-ID] | Remove container by ID |
docker rm [container-name] | Remove container by container name |
docker exec -u 0 -it [container-ID] /bin/bash | Run a existing container, access container shell with user root |
Command | Description |
docker volume create [volume-name] | Create volume |
docker volume inspect [volume-name] | Display detailed information on one or more volumes |
docker volume rm [volume-name] | Remove one or more volumes |