This website have Train Bus Motorcycle Train travel destination rote
at first time you see home page and you see Motorcycle Bus Train and Car
and select any one you vehicle you want to travel after click you go to destination page but must be you have an account you login or create an account if you have no account then sorry you not enjoy our services after login you see a map and a form .then where you go enter city names and select from date and to date Must be remember full fill this form
and click search you see destination prices and people quantity- Successful Create Account
- Successful Login
- Continue with Google
- Form Validation Use Regex & useform hook
- we use useState hook
- we use useEffect hook
- we use useHistory hook
- we use useParams hook
- we use createContext hook
- we use useContext hook
- we use bootstrap for wonderful design
- we use react router dom
- we use fontAwesome
- we use react tostify
- we use firebase for create user
- many more