numbercast is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'numbercast', :git => ''
This library just has one function: numbercast(from):
/// convert number on runtime from one type to another
/// - examples:
/// Int 128 -> Int64 128
/// Float 12.3 -> Int 12
/// String "12.3" -> Int 12
/// Int 288 -> Int8 nil (because overflow)
/// - parameters:
/// - from: the number which to convert, the type can be either:
/// **Int**, **UInt**, **Int8**, **UInt8**, **Int16**, **UInt16**,
/// **Int32**, **UInt32**, **Int64**, **UInt64**,
/// **Float**, **Double**, **Float80**,
/// **String**
/// - testToValue: the test value of convert target type, the type can be either:
/// **Int**, **UInt**, **Int8**, **UInt8**, **Int16**, **UInt16**,
/// **Int32**, **UInt32**, **Int64**, **UInt64**,
/// **Float**, **Double**, **Float80**
/// - returns: the convert result. if convert fail(maybe overflow), return nil
func numbercast<T: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral>(_ from: Any, _ testToValue: T = 0)->T?
This function can convert number from one type to another, if fail, return nil.
let result: Int? = numbercast(Float(64)) // result: Optional(64)
let result2: Int8? = numbercast(Int(222)) // result2: nil, because overflow
let result3: Int? = numbercast("12.7") // result3: Optional(12)
guolihui, [email protected]
numbercast is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.