A collection of FTC sample code for 2016-2017 season using the Titan Robotics Framework:
- FtcAutoK9: K9Bot doing various autonomous programs.
- FtcAutoK9LineFollow: K9Bot doing line following autonomously.
- FtcAutoK9PidLineFollow: K9Bot doing PID controlled line following.
- FtcAutoK9PidSeekIr: K9Bot doing PID controlled IR seeking.
- FtcTeleOpK9ArcadeDrive: K9Bot doing TeleOp Arcade drive.
- FtcTeleOpK9TankDrive: K9Bot doing TeleOp Tank drive.
- FtcTeleOpMecanumDrive: Doing TeleOp Mecanum drive.
- FtcTeleOpPidElevator: TeleOp operating PID controlled elevator.
- FtcTeleOpVariableSpeedServo: TeleOp operating servo with variable speed.
- FtcTeleOpWildThumper: 6-Wheel Thumper doing Tank drive with song playing in background.
- FtcTestAdaFruitColorSensor: Testing with AdaFruit color sensor.
- FtcTestAndroidAccel: Testing with Android built-in accelerometer sensor.
- FtcTestAndroidGyro: Testing with Android built-in gyro sensor.
- FtcTestAndroidSensors: Testing with various Android built-in sensors.
- FtcTestI2cColorSensor: Testing with I2C color sensor.
- FtcTestMRI2cGyro: Testing with Modern Robotics I2C gyro sensor.
- FtcTestOpenCv: Testing with OpenCV face detection.
- FtcTestSong: Testing with song playing.
- FtcTestZXDistanceSensor: Testing with ZX Distance sensor.