The goal of this project is to develop an effcient deep learning model for movie recommendation engine using RBM(bi-parted neural network)
Step 1: Install the dependencies by the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
(The requirements.txt doesn’t work please install TensorFlow, Pandas, NumPy, and Flask)
Step 2: for localhost you need to run the file by following command
Step 3: copy the link "" from the terminal and paste it to the browser, and you're good to go.
Step 4: if you want to deploy the model on google cloud platform, you need to install google SDK, and run command
gcloud init
for step and initialization, after that run the following command
gcloud app deploy
and you are good to go.
Step 5: The input you need to give the login credentials, we have only given four names because we don’t have any registration system, and all the user data available on the dataset and we’re merging that with those 4 names, if you want to test it with any random user then run the recommendation.ipynb file on jupyter notebook or google colab (Shekhar, Shamant, Jim, Jackie Chan.) for password give anything. (Important note: don't provide any kind spaces after the login credentials such as space After username "Shekhar ").
Step 6: after giving the input say "Recommend me" to the system by clicking on the username textbox.
Step 7: Check your result on the result page.