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GHC plugin to branch on whether a constraint is satisfied

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This library provides a way to branch on whether a constraint is satisfied:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin #-}

module MyModule where

import Data.Constraint.If ( IfSat, ifSat )

hypot :: forall a. ( Floating a, IfSat (FMA a) ) => a -> a -> a
hypot = ifSat @(FMA a) withFMA withoutFMA
    withFMA :: FMA a => a -> a -> a
    withFMA x y =
        h = sqrt $ fma x x (y * y)
        h² = h * h
        x² = x * x
        u = fma (-y) y (h² - x²) + fma h h (-h²) - fma x x (-x²)
        h - u / ( 2 * h )
    withoutFMA :: a -> a -> a
    withoutFMA x y = sqrt ( x * x + y * y )

hypot x y computes the value of sqrt( x² + y² ) in a different way depending on whether a fused multiply-add operation fma is available for the type a. This makes use of the ifSat function:

ifSat :: IfSat c => ( c => r ) -> r -> r

which chooses the first branch when c is satisfied, and uses the second branch as a fallback otherwise.

When does branch selection occur?

What is important to understand is that the branch selection happens precisely when we need to solve the IfSat ct constraint.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin #-}
module M1 where

showFun :: forall (a :: Type). IfSat ( Show ( a -> a ) ) => ( a -> a ) -> String
showFun = ifSat @( Show (a -> a) ) show ( \ _ -> "<<function>>" )

test1 :: ( Bool -> Bool ) -> String
test1 fun = showFun fun


{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=IfSat.Plugin #-}
module M2 where

import M1

instance Show ( Bool -> Bool ) where
  show f = show [ f False, f True ]

test2 :: ( a -> a ) -> String
test2 fun = showFun fun

test3 :: ( Bool -> Bool ) -> String
test3 fun = showFun fun

After loading M2, we get the following results:

test1 not


In this example, to typecheck test1 we need to solve IfSat (Show (Bool -> Bool)) inside module M1.
As no instance for Show (Bool -> Bool) is available in M1, we pick the second branch, resulting in "<<function>>".

test2 not


In this example, we must solve IfSat (Show (a -> a)) within M2. There is no such instance in M2, so we pick the second branch.
It doesn't matter that we are calling test2 with a function of type Bool -> Bool: we had to solve IfSat (Show (a -> a)) when type-checking the type signature of test2.

test3 not

"[True, False]"

In this last example, we must solve IfSat (Show (Bool -> Bool)), but as we're in M2, such an instance is available, so we choose the first branch.

Note in particular that test1 and test3 have the exact same definition (same type signature, same body), but produce a different result. This is because the satisfiability check happens in different contexts.

Using additional constraints in the fallback branch

If you need to use additional constraints in the fallback branch, you can instead use the constraint disjunction operator (||), by way of the dispatch function:

dispatch :: ( c || d ) => ( c => r ) -> ( d => r ) -> r

The dispatch function will select the c => r branch when c is satisfied, and otherwise fall back to the d => r branch.
As with ifSat, the selection occurs precisely when the c || d constraint is solved.

This functionality is strictly more general, as IfSat ct is the special case in which the second constraint is trivially satisfied (using the trivial constraint () :: Constraint):

type IfSat ct = ( ct || () )

ifSat :: forall ct r. IfSat ct => ( c => r ) -> r -> r
ifSat f g = dispatch @ct @() f g

A type-family too!

If you prefer working at the type-level, this library has got you covered, with the IsSat type family.
To reduce IsSat ct, GHC will first attempt to solve ct. If it succeeds, then IsSat ct reduces to True; otherwise, it reduces to False. This means that the satisfiability check is performed precisely at the time of type-family reduction.

This is clearly quite dangerous: the type family application IsSat ct might evaluate to False in a certain context, but then in another module when more instances become available it will switch to evaluating to True.
This allows us to unsafely coerce between any two types:

module M1 where

type F :: Bool -> Type
type family F b where
  F False = Float
  F True  = Text

class C

foo :: Float -> F (IsSat C)
foo x = x


module M2 where

import M1

instance C

unsafeCoerce :: Float -> Text
unsafeCoerce x = foo x

To avoid such issues, it's recommended to restrict usage of IsSat to internal constraints, e.g. a typeclass that is defined internally in a library and isn't exported.

Doesn't this library already exist?

Yes. Mike Izbicki's ifCxt library inspired this library, with constraint disjunction (||) taken from Noah Luck Easterly's constraint-unions.

What's the difference? The above libraries require users to manually declare instances for the typeclasses they want to work with, e.g. by using Template Haskell.
On the other hand, this library only requires users to enable the plugin, which directly hooks into GHC to solve c || d and IfSat c constraints, without requiring large amounts of instances to be defined by hand.
This also means that users have more flexibility: as we saw above, branch selection occurs when the c || d or IfSat c constraints are discharged, looking at all the information that is available at that point. This includes instance declarations, Given constraints, local evidence (e.g. from GADT pattern matches), etc.

Furthermore, this library isn't limited to working with typeclasses and their instances: any constraint can be passed to IfSat, e.g. an equality constraint involving a type family, which might only be satisfied in the presence of further type-family equations.


GHC plugin to branch on whether a constraint is satisfied






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