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tychecker - a type checker

⚠️ tycheck is still in development, originally created for shortlnk project, it evolve for the moment at the same time as shortlnk. But its development is to think for a general use and integrable by other projects.


  • String Validator Function
  • Object Validator Function
    • Object Entry Validator Function
    • Object Entry Validator for multiple keys
  • Number Validator Function
    • Number Validator Function support Big Int
  • Date Validator Function
  • Array Validator Function
    • Array Entry Validator Function
  • [-] Pipeline System
  • Create configuration with OpenAPI file

Installation guide

npm install tychecker


global uses

import on CommonJS

const { stringValidator } = require("tychecker");

import on EcmaScript

import { stringValidator } from "tychecker";

simple example

const str = "Hello World";
const { length } = str;

const validator = stringValidator({
  equLength: length,

console.log(validator(str)); // true




Parameter config StringValidatorConfig

Properties Type Required Description
equLength Number exact string length
minLength Number minimum string length
maxLength Number maximum string length
regex Regex Applying regex test

Return StringValidatorFn

const str = "Hello World!";
const validator = stringValidator({ equLength: str.length, regex: /Hello/ });


Parameters config ObjectValidatorConfig

Properties Type Required Description
allowEmptyObject Boolean allow empty object
minLength Number minimum keys count
maxLength Number maximum keys count
equLength Number exact keys count
entries EntryObjectInstance[] | EntryObjectValidatorConfig[] Target one key of object for testing data type

Return ObjectValidatorFn

const obj = { name: "bob", age: 24 };
const validator = objectValidator({
  allowEmptyObject: true,
  equKeys: Object.keys(obj).length,
  entries: [entryObjectValidator({
    key: "name",
    required: true,
const result = validator(obj);


Parameter config EntryObjectValidatorConfig

Properties Type Required Description
key ObjectKeyType  ObjectKeyType[] symbol
Required Boolean If key is required on object
dataType DataType | DataType[] Check target value type
validator ValidatorFn Apply Validator function
validators ValidatorFn[] Apply each Validator function, process pass when once Validator return true

Return EntryObjectInstance

const obj = { name: "bob", age: 24 };
const entryObjectValidatorFn = entryObjectValidator({
  key: "name",
  required: true,
  dataType: "string",
const validator = objectValidator({
  entries: [entryObjectValidatorFn],
const result = validator(obj);

dataTypeChecker(data, types)

Parameter data any

Parameter types DataType | DataType[]

Return Boolean

const str = "Hello World!";
dataTypeChecker(str, "string");


Parameter config NumberValidatorConfig

Properties Type Required Description
equAt Number | BigInt Equal at entry number|bigint
minAt Number | BigInt Minimum at entry number|bigint
maxAt Number | BigInt Maximum at entry number|bigint
transformStringTo 'number' | 'bigint' Transform entry string to number or bigint before apply validation tests
allowBigInt Boolean Allow BigInt type on entry
mustBeBigInt Boolean Entry must be a BigInt                            
allowFloat Boolean Allow Float on entry
allowInfinite Boolean Allow Infinite on entry
allowNoSafeInteger Boolean Allow No Safe Integer on entry
allowNegatifAmout Boolean Allow Negatif Amount on entry

Return NumberValidatorFn

const num = 5;
const validator = numberValidator({ equAt: num });


Parameter config DateValidatorConfig

Properties Type Required Description
transformDate Boolean transform entry to Date
equAt Date | Number Equal to date
minAt Date | Number Minimum to date
maxAt Date | Number Maximum to date

Return DateValidatorFn

const date = new Date('2023-06-04T02:23:08.719Z');
const validator = dateValidator({ equAt: date });



Property Type
email Tegex
const { stringValidator, regex } = require("tycheck");




Type [String] - string | number | array | object | bigint| function| symbol| undefined | date| null| boolean | regex


Type [Function] - (str: string) => boolean


Type [Function] - (obj: any) => boolean


Type [Function] - (obj: any) => boolean


Type [Function] - (num: string | number | bigint) => boolean


Type [Function] - (date: Date | number | string) => boolean


Type [Function] - StringValidatorFn | ObjectValidatorConfig | NumberValidatorFnDateValidatorFn


Type [Object] - string | number | symbol


Type [Object]

properties Type Required Description
allowEmptyObject Boolean allow empty object
minLength Number minimum keys count
maxLength Number maximum keys count
equLength Number exact keys count
entries EntryObjectInstance[] | EntryObjectValidatorConfig Target one key of object for testing data type


Type [Object]

Property Type Required Description
key ObjectKeyType  ObjectKeyType[] regex
Required Boolean If key is required on object
dataType DataType | DataType[] Check target value type
validator ValidatorFn Apply Validator function
validators ValidatorFn[] Apply each Validator function, process pass when once Validator return true


type [Object]

Property Type Required readonly Description
_tyInstance Boolean yes yes Object created by entryObjectValidator function
validator Function yes yes Apply Validator function on target value


type [Object]

Property Type Required descriptio
equLength Number Equal string length
minLength Number Minimum string length
maxLength Number Maximum string length
regex Regex Apply Regex test method on string


type [Object]

Properties Type Required Description
equAt Number | BigInt Equal at entry number|bigint
minAt Number | BigInt Minimum at entry number|bigint
maxAt Number | BigInt Maximum at entry number|bigint
transformStringTo 'number' | 'bigint' Transform entry string to number or bigint before apply validation tests
allowBigInt Boolean Allow BigInt type on entry
mustBeBigInt Boolean Entry must be a BigInt                            
allowFloat Boolean Allow Float on entry
allowInfinite Boolean Allow Infinite on entry
allowNoSafeInteger Boolean Allow No Safe Integer on entry
allowNegatifAmout Boolean Allow Negatif Amount on entry


type [Object]

Properties Type Required Description
transformDate Boolean transform entry to Date
equAt Date | Number Equal to date
minAt Date | Number Minimum to date
maxAt Date | Number Maximum to date


Multiple type Object validator

const { objectValidatorn entryObjectValidator } = require('tychecker');

const obj = (i) => ({
    foo: ['bar', 1, {}][i]

const validator = objectValidator({
    entries: [
            key: 'foo',
            dataType: ['string', 'number']

validator(obj(0)); // true
validator(obj(1)); // true
validator(obj(2)); // false

Deep data type Validator

const { objectValidator, entryObjectValidator, stringValidator } = require("tychecker");

const obj = {
  foo: "bar",

const validator = objectValidator({
  entries: [
      key: "foo",
      dataType: "string",
      validator: stringValidator({
        minLength: 2,

validator(obj); // true

Deep Object Validator

const { objectValidator, entryObjectValidator } = require("tychecker");

const deepObject = {
  result: {
    foo: "bar",

const validator = objectValidator({
  entries: [
      key: "result",
      validator: objectValidator({
        entries: [
            key: "foo",
            equKeys: 1,

validator(deepObject); // true

Use Object instead of entryObjectValidator function

const { objectValidator } = require("tychecker");

const obj = {
  foo: "bar",

const validator = objectValidator({
  entries: [{
    key: "foo",
    equKeys: 1,


Multiple keys selector on entry validator function

const { entryObjectValidator } = require("tychecker");

const obj = {
  hello: 'world',
  foo: "bar",

const validator = entryObjectValidator({
  entries: [
      key: ['hello', 'foo'],
      dataType: 'string'



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