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How to migrate related objects for a single gdm

The scripts in this repo fetches old system data from postgres, and POST into DB using new system's server & dynamoDB.

Step 1. Prepare the code

  1. Make sure you're at root directory of this repo.
  2. Create a virtual environment python -m venv venv.
  3. Acticate venv . ./venv/bin/activate.
  4. Install standard dependencies. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Install dependencies of serverless code base. This will allow the script to reuse utilities from our gci/vci serverless code base.
    1. Make sure you're at root directory of this repo.
    2. Configure GCI_VCI_SERVERLESS_RELATIVE_PATH=... in .env - point it to the gci-vci-serverless (its repo root) directory relative to this repo.
    3. Run . ./

Step 2. Get ready for AWS & Postgres

  • AWS credentials are required for accessing postgres on AWS RDS. Specifically, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
  • Make sure the postgres instance (migration) on AWS RDS is on and ready (not stopped).
  • Create the config yaml file config_recent.yaml at root directory:
    user: <acquire-this-from-the-team>
    password: <acquire-this-from-the-team>
    host: <acquire-this-from-the-team>
    port: <acquire-this-from-the-team>
    database: <acquire-this-from-the-team>
    user: your-db-user
    port: 5432
    database: your-db-name
  url: # the local serverless endpoint
  # url: # or paste the AWS RDS postgres endpoint here
  - select item_type, rownum, item from (
    select row_number() over(order by rid, sid) as rownum, 
    item_type, item 
    from migrate_recent_items where item_type=%s
  • If you are considering setup a local postgres with production data, you can refer to the section "How to prepare a postgres with legacy production data" below.
  • Make sure if you're using postgres on AWS RDS, change the following in
def getConnection():
  type = 'ec2' # or change to `local` if using a local postgres

Step 3. Spin up a local dynamoDB

  1. (Recommended) Create a directory data for db data at gci-vci-aws/gci-vci-serverless/.dynamodb/data/.
  2. cd to gci-vci-serverless directory, and start DynamoDB local server: npx nodemon --watch .dynamodb/data --ext db --exec 'npx serverless dynamodb start --migrate --dbPath ./.dynamodb/data'. The nodemon will auto restart the DynamoDB local server whenever db data changed.
  3. It's better to have a db with your user object already created, so at least you can login the UI.

Step 4. Spin up local serverless dev server

  1. Run npx nodemon --ext py --exec "npx serverless offline --noTimeout"

Step 5. Run the script

  1. Make sure you're at root directory of this repo.
  2. Run eval $(egrep -v '^#' .env | xargs) AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=... AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=... python

Step 6. Knowing cached file & when to remove them

./.data/gdm__related_objects_{gdmPK}: Generated by SQL fetching from postgres is slow. The script will cache objects retrieved from postgres into file in directory .data. If in any case you believe the data in cache file is corrupted, you can delete the cache file and re-fetch again from postgres.

./.data/all_variants.json: This file is generated by, saving all variants fetched from postgres.

./.data/not_in_db_variants.json This file will be generated when you run It memories the diff between all_variants.json, and the variants in serverless DynamoDB. So if POSTing to dynamodb got interrupted, the next time you run, it doesn't need to POST from start again.


  • Q: I want to reset my database
    • A: You can delete the db data file at gci-vci-serverless/.dynamodb/data/shared-local-instance.db, and restart the dynamodb dev server. A new db data file will be created with empty Tables.
    • A: (advance) If you want to do this programmatically, you can take a look at utils/ the class DynamoDB.reset() method, and call it in if __name__ == "__main__": in
  • Q: I want to change a GDM rid to collect objects.
    • A: Change the hard-coded GDM_RID value in file
  • Q: I want to clear out all items in DyanmoDB table
    • A: If you're on local, simply delete the file shared-local-instance.db under gci-vci-serverless/.dynamodb
    • A: Or if you're on AWS cloud, the best way is to drop and create the table. Install & configure AWS CLI tool first. Then you can refer to the file scripts/, change TABLE_NAME and AWS_PROFILE to adapt to your config & credentials, then run the script.

How to prepare a postgres with legacy production data

Step 1: prepare a postgres instance

  • Either on local or on AWS RDS, create a new postgres database instance.
  • Also create a database in the instance with name, e.g. prod_12032020.
  • If you are running AWS RDS database, make sure it is publicly accessible (go to db instance, press modify, and change the public accessibility setting), and the security group rules allows inbound rules of port 5432 and from any IP (or you can set to your IP your laptop network is currently using, ideally if your IP address provided by ISP is static, oftentime not though).

Step 2: load production data from old website

  • Go into s3 and download the sql file from s3 bucket gcivciforhelio, e.g. the file pg-dump-2020-12-03.sql.gz. Download and de-compress it.
  • Run psql -U postgres -h <host> -d prod_12032020 -f <path to de-compressed sql file>. The host is localhost if you're running local postgres, or in form of if you're using AWS RDS.

Step 3: transform some item_type in legacy system

  • Connect to the postgres database psql -U postgres -h <host> -d prod_12032020
  • Thanks to Rao's work, run the following to transform the item_types. Make sure the right hand side of lines WHEN r.item_type::text = ..., the item_type should match that in new system. This will create a virtual table migrate_recent_items with the transformed item_types, and we can run sql query against this table. The virtual table data is persistent.
-- public.migrate_recent_items source
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.migrate_recent_items
AS WITH all_recent_items AS (
         SELECT p_1.rid,
                    WHEN r.item_type::text = 'extra_evidence'::text THEN 'curated-evidence'::character varying
                    WHEN r.item_type::text = 'provisional_variant'::text THEN 'provisional-variant'::character varying
                    WHEN r.item_type::text = 'provisionalClassification'::text THEN 'provisional-classification'::character varying
                    -- the following `caseControl` and `evidenceScore` was transformed as 
                    -- all-lowercase in Rao's sql,
                    -- which will affect the final generated table's column `item_type`.
                    -- here we are keeping their `item_type` as-is in order to align with new system format
                    -- but you can use Rao's sql script as long as you make sure the sql query 
                    -- run by python script aligns with the transformed item_type
                    -- WHEN r.item_type::text = 'caseControl'::text THEN 'caseControl'::character varying
                    -- WHEN r.item_type::text = 'evidenceScore'::text THEN 'evidenceScore'::character varying
                    ELSE r.item_type
                END AS item_type,
           FROM propsheets p_1,
            resources r,
            current_propsheets cp
          WHERE cp.rid = p_1.rid AND cp.sid = p_1.sid AND r.rid = p_1.rid
 SELECT p.rid,
    (('{"body":'::text || (((((('{"rid":"'::text || p.rid) || '"}'::text)::jsonb) || ((('{"item_type":"'::text || p.item_type::text) || '"}'::text)::jsonb)) || || '}'::text)::jsonb AS item
   FROM all_recent_items p;

Step 4: Congrats - you now have a production data postgres database

You can now run the script above. Make sure your database connection config is set properly.


Scripts for migrating a single gdms






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