FREE university courses in ML from Top Universities in CS
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning [Winter 2021]
MIT6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning [Winter 2020]
MIT6.036: Introduction to Machine Learning [Autumn 2020]
MIT6.S897: Machine Learning for Healthcare [Spring 2019]
MIT9.520: Statistical Learning Theory and Applications [Autumn 2020] | YouTube
MIT Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Lectures [Winter 2020] by Lex Fridman -
Stanford University
CS221: Artificial Intelligence. Principles and Techniques [Winter 2021]
CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning [Winter 2021]
CS228: Probabilistic Graphical Models [Winter 2021]
CS229: Machine Learning [Autumn 2020] by Andrew Ng | video
CS230: Deep Learning [Spring 2020]
CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition [Autum 2018]
CS234: Reinforcement Learning [Winter 2021]
CS236: Deep Generative Models [Autumn 2019] -
Berkley University
CSC08: Foundations of Data Science [Spring 2021]
CSC08: Foundations of Data Science [Autumn 2020] CS61B: Data Structures [Spring 2021]
CS61B: Data Structures [Autumn 2020]
CS189: Introduction to Machine Learning [Winter 2021]
CS188: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence [Spring 2019]
CS285: Deep Reinforcement Learning [Autumn 2020] | YouTube | video
CS288: Natural Language Processing [Spring 2020]
CS294: Deep Unsupervised Learning [Spring 2020] -
Carnegie Mellon University
11-785: Introduction to Deep Learning [Spring 2021]
11-785: Introduction to Deep Learning [Autumn 2020]
11-785: Introduction to Deep Learning [Spring 2020]
10-703: Deep Reinforcement Learning [Autumn 2020]
11-611: Natural Language Processing [Autumn 2020]
10-601: Machine Learning [Spring 2015] -
New York University
DSGA1008: Deep Learning [Spring 2020] by Yann LeCun & Alfredo Canziani | YouTube | CDS -
University of Michigan
EECS598-005: Deep Learning for Computer Vision [Autumn 2020] | YouTube -
University of Pennsylvania
CIS520: Machine Learning [2020] | notes -
University of Chicago
CMSC35300: Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning [Autumn 2020] by Rebecca Willett
CMSC35400: Machine Learning [Spring 2020] by Rebecca Willett & Yuxin Chen
CMSC31230: Fundamentals of Deep Learning [Autumn 2020] | notes -
Purdue University
STAT598: Machine Learning [Spring 2020] | YouTube -
Cornell University
CS4780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems [Autumn 2018] | YouTube | notes -
University of Oxford
Machine Learning [2014/2015] -
Machine Learning YouTube iTunes
Online catalogs
MIT Open Course Ware: Computer Science Courses
MIT Open Learning Library
Stanford Online
Berkley Courses
Bonus: summer schools
- MIT & UniGe & MaLGa
RegML: Regularization Methods for Machine Learning | YouTube | descirption
MLCC: Machine Learning Crash Course | YouTube | description
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