I'm not maintaining this repo. It needs a rewrite now that I understand Laravel better, but they haven't updated the PHP executable to be compatible with anyting higher than PHP 7.2 and doesn't seem like ACR cloud are going to at this point.
This package is using the ACRCloud php 7.2 executible. This requires Laravel 5.6 or greater
composer require sharpstream/acrcloud:1.0
- Copy acrcloud_extr_tool.so file to your extensions directory. Found by viewing your php.ini and searching for : extension_dir
- Add extension=acrcloud_extr_tool.so to the bottom of php.ini
- Restart PHP
This package requires a few variables to be added to your projects .env file. All of the values for which can be found by logging into your ACRCloud Account.
Your host and request url will differ dependend on your region.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Storage;
use Sharpstream\AcrCloud\Metadata;
use Sharpstream\AcrCloud\Formatter;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
class AcrCloudController extends Controller
public function show($file)
// File is the path to your file
if (Cache::has(self::ACR_CACHE_PREFIX . $file->name)) {
return response()->json(Cache::get(self::ACR_CACHE_PREFIX . $file->name), 200);
$recognizerInstance = new Metadata;
$fileData = $recognizerInstance->recognizeFile($file, 10, 10);
$metadata = Formatter::translateResponse($fileData);
if (!empty($metadata)) {
Cache::forever(self::ACR_CACHE_PREFIX . $file->name, $metadata);
return response()->json($metadata, 200);
return response()->json(['errors' => ['Unable to retrieve metadata for this file']], 400);