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* Cakephp AutocacheBehavior
* Nicholas de Jong - -
* 26 November 2011
* @author Nicholas de Jong
* @copyright Nicholas de Jong

Q: What's this all about?
A: AutocacheBehavior is a CakePHP 2x Behavior that makes query as easy as 
   adding a 'cache'=>true condition to your Model query.

Q: How do I use it?
A: (Step 1) - copy/symlink into place Model/Behavior/AutocacheBehavior.php

   (Step 2) - copy/symlink into place Model/Datasource/AutocacheSource.php

   (Step 3) - add the $autocache datasource to Config/database.php like this:-
              public $autocache = array('datasource' => 'AutocacheSource');

   (Step 4) - define at least one cache configuration to use in core.php or
              bootstrap.php, call your first one 'default' like this:-
              Cache::config('default', array('engine' => 'File'));

   (Step 5) - Tell your model(s) they $actsAs Autocache by adding this:-
              public $actsAs = array('Autocache');

   (Step 6) - add a 'cache' condition to your find query

   (Step 7) - drink a beer, 'cause that was easy!

Q: Do you have any examples?
A: Yep, take a look at exampleApp - go ahead and install it, give it a spin. You
   will need to do just two things:-
      - edit webroot/index.php and adjust CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH
      - chmod -R 777 exampleApp/tmp
      - study DataSamplesController.php and play with it

Q: What are my options for attaching this Behavior to my models?
A: Just like any other Behavior you can use the following approaches
     - Attach through the controller with something that looks like this:-
     - Attach through the Model by declaring the $actsAs attribte like this:-
       public $actsAs = array('Autocache');
     - Check out your other options here because there are others:-

Q: What Autocache Behavior settings exist?
A: There are just three, they are:-
     - default_cache << defines the default cache configuration name to use
       when a find query contains a 'cache' condition without an explicit
       cache configuration name. By default the name is 'default'
     - check_cache << tells Autocache to check if the cache configuration
       name that is about to be used has actually been defined, this helps to
       prevent silly mistakes. By default this is set true
     - dummy_datasource << defines the dummy datastore name that needs to be
       defined in your database.php file. By default it's named 'autocache'

Q: What are the find query condition cache parameters available?
A: There are three in total, they are in the form:-
     - $conditions = array('cache'=>true)
     - $conditions = array('cache'=>'default')
     - $conditions = array('cache'=>array('config'=>'default'))
     - $conditions = array('cache'=>array('name'=>'some_name'))
     - $conditions = array('cache'=>array('flush'=>true))

   The first three are essentially the same thing expressed differently

Q: How does Autocache name cached data?
A: Take a look at _generateCacheName() the crux of the matter is that we take
   the all query parameters, serialize them and take a hash of the result
   thus ensuring a useful unique name per query - yes, there is overhead in
   doing this but it's still less than doing a database query!

Q: What's AutocacheSource (DummySource) all about?
A: In order to prevent the CakePHP Model class from making a full request to
   the database when we have a cached result we need a way to quickly cause
   the find() query to return with nothing so we can re-inject the result
   in the afterFind() callback - it's unfortunate this behavior requires more
   than one .php file, but that's the way it is - still much tidier than the
   previous approach that involved cutting'n'pasting code into the AppModel.

Q: What's the history?
A: AutocacheBehavior is an improvement on "Automatic model data caching for 
   CakePHP" that I wrote a while back which itself borrowed from "jamienay"


Cakephp Autocache Behavior






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