Color Switcher plugin is a simple and easy to use plugin used to switch color of a site. It's Licence type is MIT License. Actually it is used to switch style sheet. Easy to installation. Just you have to add a line to your custom javascript file or have to add a javacript file to your site :)
Check out the Demo Page and Check out the Plugin Documentation
- assets/
- ├── css/
- │ ├── color-switcher.css
- │ └── colors/
- │ ├── default.css
- │ ├── color-2.css
- │ ├── color-3.css
- │ ├── color-4.css
- │ ├── color-5.css
- │ ├── color-6.css
- │ ├── color-7.css
- │ ├── color-8.css
- │ ├── color-9.css
- │ ├── color-10.css
- │ ├── color-11.css
- │ └── color-12.css
- ├── js/
- │ ├── color-switcher.js
- │ └── jquery-1.11.1.min.js
- └── images/
└── colors.png