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Android usage

Shayan Rais edited this page Aug 4, 2016 · 3 revisions

Android Guidelines

static final constants are used instead of enums because of the memory overhead of enums, as mentioned in [Android Official Documents] (

Enums often require more than twice as much memory as static constants.
You should strictly avoid using enums on Android.


Import the emojee files, for example

import packagename.People;

For logging the emojee-code on console

Log.e("(int)", ": " + People.GRINNING_FACE); //128512

Log.e("(char)", ": " + People.WHITE_SMILING_FACE); //☺

Log.e("(int[0])", ": " + People.PERSON_BOTH_HAND_CELEBRATION_TYPE_1_2[0]); //128588

Log.e("(int[0])", ": " + People.FAMILY_MAN_WOMEN_GIRL[0]); //128104


Import the emojee files, for example

import packagename.People;

For logging the emojee-code on console

Log.e("(string)", ": " + People.GRINNING_FACE); //😀

Log.e("(string)", ": " + People.WHITE_SMILING_FACE); //☺

Log.e("(string)", ": " + People.PERSON_BOTH_HAND_CELEBRATION_TYPE_1_2); //🙌🏻

Log.e("(string)", ": " + People.FAMILY_MAN_WOMEN_GIRL); //👨‍👩‍👧

Emoji Code Sheet

###Languages Usage

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