kvault is a CLI for managing HashiCorp Vault Key/Value V2 secret engines from the command line.
npx kvault --help # Or bunx kvault --help
npm install --global kvault
Usage: kvault [options] [command]
Manage your HashiCorp Vault Key/Value v2 secret engines from the command line.
Author: Shahrad Elahi <[email protected]> (https://github.com/shahradelahi)
License: GPL-3.0
-v, --version display the version number
-h, --help display help for command
make-profile [options] <name> Create a new vault profile
mount [options] <mount-path> Mount a new KV2 secret engine
pipe [options] <secrets-path> [command...] Pull an environment from Vault and pipe it to a command
push [options] <env-file> <secrets-path> Push an environment to Vault
pull [options] <secrets-path> Pull an environment from Vault
rm [options] <secrets-path> [versions...] Remove a secret from Vault
seal [options] Seal Vault
unmount [options] <mount-path> Unmount a secret engine
unseal [options] [keys...] Unseal Vault
help [command] display help for command
This command will create a profile in your home directory. It will be used to store your Vault's address and token.
Usage: kvault make-profile [options] <name>
Create a new vault profile
--endpoint-url <endpoint-url> Vault endpoint URL
--token <vault-token> Vault token
--force Overwrite existing profile (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command
# Create a new profile
kvault make-profile my-profile --endpoint-url https://vault.example.com --token my-token
This command will push a secret to your Vault.
Usage: kvault push [options] <env-file> <secrets-path>
Push an environment to Vault
-P, --profile <name> Name of the profile to use.
--endpoint-url <endpoint-url> Vault endpoint URL
--token <vault-token> Vault token
--cwd <cwd> Current working directory (default: ".")
--force Write to Vault even if the secrets are in conflict (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command
# Push a .env.local file to Vault
kvault push --profile my-profile .env.local secret/my-app
# Use credentials instead of a profile
kvault push --endpoint-url https://vault.example.com --token my-token .env.local secret/my-app
This command will pull a secret from your Vault.
Usage: kvault pull [options] <secrets-path>
Pull an environment from Vault
-P, --profile <name> Name of the profile to use.
--endpoint-url <endpoint-url> Vault endpoint URL
--token <vault-token> Vault token
-O, --output-file <output-path> Path to write the environment file to
-F, --format <format> Format of the environment file (default: "dotenv")
--cwd <cwd> Current working directory (default: ".")
--force Write environment file even if it exists (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command
# Pull a secret from Vault
kvault pull --profile my-profile secret/my-app
# Pull a secret from Vault and save it to a .env file
kvault pull --profile my-profile secret/my-app --env-path .env
# Pull a secret from Vault and add them to shell environment
kvault pull --profile my-profile secret/my-app --format shell | grep -e '^export' | source /dev/stdin
This command will pull and pipe secrets from your Vault to another command.
Usage: kvault pipe [options] <secrets-path> [command...]
Pull an environment from Vault and pipe it to a command
command Command to pipe to (default: [])
-P, --profile <name> Name of the profile to use.
--endpoint-url <endpoint-url> Vault endpoint URL
--token <vault-token> Vault token
--cwd <cwd> Current working directory (default: ".")
-h, --help display help for command
# Pull a secret from Vault and pipe it to a command
kvault pipe --profile my-profile secret/my-app env | grep -e '^MY_APP_'
# Pull a secret from Vault and pipe it to a node script
kvault pipe --profile my-profile secret/my-app "node -e 'console.log(process.env.MY_APP_SECRET)'"
This command will remove a path or some versions of a secret.
Usage: kvault rm [options] <secrets-path> [versions...]
Remove a secret from Vault
versions Versions to remove. By default, path will be removed. (default: [])
-P, --profile <name> Name of the profile to use
--endpoint-url <endpoint-url> Vault endpoint URL
--token <vault-token> Vault token
--force Remove the secret without confirmation (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command
# Remove a path secret from Vault
kvault rm --profile my-profile secret/my-app
# Remove a secret version from Vault
kvault rm --profile my-profile secret/my-app 3 4
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