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Quick start

> git clone [email protected]:sgnoohc/rooutil.git
> source rooutil/
> -x /path/to/your/baby.root   t    wwwtree  tas  www
                                            ^    ^^^^^^^  ^^^  ^^^
  argument 1 : tree name
  argument 2 : make class output file name (e.g., wwwtree.h)
  argument 3 : name of the namespace defined in make class .cc/.h
  argument 4 : name of the global instance defined in make class .cc/.h

> make # First time compilation should compile "wwwtree".cc along with any rooutil related stuff. Next time will be faster if only is touched
> ./doAnalysis /path/to/your/baby.root test [NEVENTS=-1]

Some explanation on RooUtil framework

// ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
// Quick tutorial on RooUtil::Cutflow object cut tree formation
// ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
// The RooUtil::Cutflow object facilitates creating a tree structure of cuts
// To add cuts to each node of the tree with cuts defined, use "addCut" or "addCutToLastActiveCut"
// The "addCut" or "addCutToLastActiveCut" accepts three argument, <name>, and two lambda's that define the cut selection, and the weight to apply to that cut stage
// e.g. To create following cut-tree structure one does
//             (Root) <--- Always exists as soon as RooUtil::Cutflow object is created. But this is basically hidden underneath and users do not have to care
//                |
//            CutWeight
//            |       |
//     CutPreSel1    CutPreSel2
//       |                  |
//     CutSel1           CutSel2
//   code:
//      // Create the object (Root node is created as soon as the instance is created)
//      RooUtil::Cutflow cutflow;
//      cutflow.addCut("CutWeight"                 , <lambda> , <lambda>); // CutWeight is added below "Root"-node
//      cutflow.addCutToLastActiveCut("CutPresel1" , <lambda> , <lambda>); // The last "active" cut is "CutWeight" since I just added that. So "CutPresel1" is added below "CutWeight"
//      cutflow.addCutToLastActiveCut("CutSel1"    , <lambda> , <lambda>); // The last "active" cut is "CutPresel1" since I just added that. So "CutSel1" is added below "CutPresel1"
//      cutflow.getCut("CutWeight"); // By "getting" the cut object, this makes the "CutWeight" the last "active" cut.
//      cutflow.addCutToLastActiveCut("CutPresel2" , <lambda> , <lambda>); // The last "active" cut is "CutWeight" since I "getCut" on it. So "CutPresel2" is added below "CutWeight"
//      cutflow.addCutToLastActiveCut("CutSel2"    , <lambda> , <lambda>); // The last "active" cut is "CutPresel2" since I just added that. So "CutSel2" is added below "CutPresel1"
// (Side note: "UNITY" lambda is defined in the framework to just return 1. This so that use don't have to type [&]() {return 1;} so many times.)
// Once the cutflow is formed, create cutflow histograms can be created by calling RooUtil::Cutflow::bookCutflows())
// This function looks through the terminating nodes of the tree structured cut tree. and creates a histogram that will fill the yields
// For the example above, there are two terminationg nodes, "CutSel1", and "CutSel2"
// So in this case Root::Cutflow::bookCutflows() will create two histograms. (Actually four histograms.)
//  - TH1F* type object :  CutSel1_cutflow (4 bins, with first bin labeled "Root", second bin labeled "CutWeight", third bin labeled "CutPreSel1", fourth bin labeled "CutSel1")
//  - TH1F* type object :  CutSel2_cutflow (...)
//  - TH1F* type object :  CutSel1_rawcutflow (...)
//  - TH1F* type object :  CutSel2_rawcutflow (...)
//                                ^
//                                |
// NOTE: There is only one underscore "_" between <CutName>_cutflow or <CutName>_rawcutflow
// And later in the loop when RooUtil::Cutflow::fill() function is called, the tree structure will be traversed through and the appropriate yields will be filled into the histograms
// After running the loop check for the histograms in the output root file

// ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
// Quick tutorial on RooUtil::Histograms object
// ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
// The RooUtil::Histograms object facilitates book keeping histogram definitions
// And in conjunction with RooUtil::Cutflow object, one can book same histograms across different cut stages easily without copy pasting codes many times by hand.
// The histogram addition happens in two steps.
// 1. Defining histograms
// 2. Booking histograms to cuts
// Histograms are defined via following functions
//      RooUtil::Histograms::addHistogram       : Typical 1D histogram (TH1F*) "Fill()" called once per event
//      RooUtil::Histograms::addVecHistogram    : Typical 1D histogram (TH1F*) "Fill()" called multiple times per event
//      RooUtil::Histograms::add2DHistogram     : Typical 2D histogram (TH2F*) "Fill()" called once per event
//      RooUtil::Histograms::add2DVecHistogram  : Typical 2D histogram (TH2F*) "Fill()" called multiple times per event
// e.g.
//    RooUtil::Histograms histograms;
//    histograms.addHistogram   ("MllSS"    , 180 , 0. , 300. , [&]() { return www.MllSS()  ; }); // The lambda returns float
//    histograms.addVecHistogram("AllLepPt" , 180 , 0. , 300. , [&]() { return www.lep_pt() ; }); // The lambda returns vector<float>
// The addVecHistogram will have lambda to return vector<float> and it will loop over the values and call TH1F::Fill() for each item
// To book histograms to cuts one uses
//      RooUtil::Cutflow::bookHistogramsForCut()
//      RooUtil::Cutflow::bookHistogramsForCutAndBelow()
//      RooUtil::Cutflow::bookHistogramsForCutAndAbove()
//      RooUtil::Cutflow::bookHistogramsForEndCuts()
// e.g. Given a tree like the following, we can book histograms to various cuts as we want
//              Root
//                |
//            CutWeight
//            |       |
//     CutPreSel1    CutPreSel2
//       |                  |
//     CutSel1           CutSel2
// For example,
//    1. book a set of histograms to one cut:
//       cutflow.bookHistogramsForCut(histograms, "CutPreSel2")
//    2. book a set of histograms to a cut and below
//       cutflow.bookHistogramsForCutAndBelow(histograms, "CutWeight") // will book a set of histograms to CutWeight, CutPreSel1, CutPreSel2, CutSel1, and CutSel2
//    3. book a set of histograms to a cut and above (... useless...?)
//       cutflow.bookHistogramsForCutAndAbove(histograms, "CutPreSel2") // will book a set of histograms to CutPreSel2, CutWeight (nothing happens to Root node)
//    4. book a set of histograms to a terminating nodes
//       cutflow.bookHistogramsForEndCuts(histograms) // will book a set of histograms to CutSel1 and CutSel2
// The naming convention of the booked histograms are as follows
//   cutflow.bookHistogramsForCut(histograms, "CutSel1");
//  - TH1F* type object : CutSel1__MllSS;
//  - TH1F* type object : CutSel1__AllLepPt;
//                               ^^
//                               ||
// NOTE: There are two underscores "__" between <CutName>__<HistogramName>
// And later in the loop when RooUtil::CutName::fill() function is called, the tree structure will be traversed through and the appropriate histograms will be filled with appropriate variables
// After running the loop check for the histograms in the output root file