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🔌Socket.IO API docs

Shea Janke edited this page Apr 26, 2020 · 5 revisions

Socket.IO API Documentation

Messages that can be sent to the Socket.IO API

Message name Description Message data Callback
newgame Generates a new game ID, starts a new game and makes the client the host of the game none Returns { gameID: "ABCDE" }
joingame Joins an existing game { gameID: "ABCDE", username: "my-user" } Returns { gameState: "joined game's current state" }
updateGameState Changes the state of the current game. Client must be the host of the game. Sends a gameStateChanged message to all clients in the game. { gameState: "new game state" } Returns { message: "ok" }
game-message General purpose message for the React app and Unity app to send messages to each other about events happening in the game. See game-message actions section { action: "action name", /* other properties as needed */ } Returns { message: "ok" }

Error handling

When an emitted message causes an error, the returned object from the callback contains the property error: "error message here", example: { error: "Invalid game id" }

Messages that can be received from the Socket.IO API

Message name Description Message data
playerConnect When a player connects to the current game { username: "player's username" }
playerDisconnect When a player disconnects to the current game { username: "player's username" }
gameStateChanged When the current game's state changes. Caused by the game's host sending a updateGameState message { gameState: "the new game state" }
game-message General purpose message for the React app and Unity app to send messages to each other about events happening in the game. See game-message actions section { action: "action name", username: "user who sent the message", /* other properties as needed */ }

game-message actions

When receiving a game-message, there will also be the property { username: "sender's username }

action description properties
submitrobot When a user submits their built robot { parts: [/* list of parts the robot is made of. See Robot parts format section */] }
currentParts When a part is destroyed { parts: [/* list of parts the robot is made of. See Robot parts format section */], name: /* name of the gameObject whose parts are being sent. */}
currentBoosts When a player gains or uses a boost. { boosts: /* number of boosts the player has. */, name: /* name of the gameObject whose parts are being sent. */}

Robot parts format

Specifying a robot is done by sending an array of parts, each part has the following properties:

  • type: "block" | "center" | "spike"
  • x: 0 - 4
  • y: 0 - 4
  • direction: "north" | "east" | "south" | "west"
  • health: 0.0 - 1.0


        "type": "block",
        "x": 2,
        "y": 4,
        "direction": "north",
        "health": 1.0
        "type": "spike",
        "x": 2,
        "y": 3,
        "direction": "north",
        "health": 1.0
        "type": "center",
        "x": 3,
        "y": 3,
        "direction": "north",
        "health": 1.0