Bits and tricks for FreeBSD tests
System components install:
- lib32
- Auto ZFS
- Encrypt disk (optional)
- ipv4 ok
- ipv6 ok
Time & Timezone:
- up to you
- sshd
- ntpd
- ntp on boot
- random_pid
- clear_tmp
- Add a user for you ! Add your user to group wheel
- Let install and reboot
First boot:
login as root.
First config is easier if made from root.
FreeBSD usage is different from GNU/Linux
you leave the base system intact and you put your version of config files in /usr/local/etc
updating packages informations
pkg update
mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos; cp /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/
edit FreeBSD.conf and replace quarterly by latest (we love taking risks)
pkg update;pkg install doas # (replacement for sudo)
echo "permit nopass keepenv :wheel" >/usr/local/etc/doas.conf
we will use fish as login sheel because it's cool.
doas pkg install fish
doas pw usermod <loginname> -s /usr/local/bin/fish
doas pkg install smartmontools; doas sysrc smartd_enable="YES"; cd /usr/local/etc; doas cp smartd.conf.sample smartd.conf; doas service smartd start
doas bectl list doas bectl create before-upgrade-fbsd doas bectl activate before-upgrade-fbsd doas reboot doas freebsd-upgrade fetch doas freebsd-upgrade install
doas sysrc ifconfig_em0="DHCP"
doas sysrc background_dhclient="YES"
echo "network={ ssid="myssid" psk="mypsk" }" > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
doas sysrc wlans_iwn0="wlan0"
doas sysrc ifconfig_wlan0="WPA DHCP"
doas service netif restart
doas pkg install xfce xorg xdm drm-kmod; doas pkg install xf86-video-scfb; doas pw groupmod video -m sfoutrel
pkg install virtualbox-ose-additions doas sysrc vboxservice_enable=YES doas sysrc vboxguest_enable=YES pkg install vscode