A PowerShell based tool to make VMWare Reports in Excel.
V2 has much more increased speed therefore i would recommend using this one.
The ImportExcel module is needed for this script. You can get it here https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/ImportExcel, or install it directly for the current user with the following command Install-Module -Name ImportExcel -Scope CurrentUser
. Alternatively the script will ask you if you wish to install it, if you declide the script will stop.
The connection area is there for a VIServer connection, you can connect to multiple severs but you have to restart the connect dialog. You can see if you are connected when [Wait...] switches to [Not connected] or [VIServer connected](one server), or [VIServers connected](multiple servers).
The folder is empty at start and is only filed with information as soon as you connect to a VIServer.
The file button determines a File in which the report will be saved.
All you now need to do is press Go and wait for your report to complete.
Open the desired script, then choose raw and follow the steps. To download only one script and not the whole repo use [wget -O somefile.ps1 -uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/seyo-IV/VMWareReport/master/WPF-VMWareReport.ps1]
You might also need to cahnge the Script encoding to UTF-8-BOM.