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Simple Boilerplate is for HTML/CSS, Javascript, and JQuery projects. It has been setup with a live server so that you can see live changes with every save.

If you have the outdated version, please either re-clone or do the following:

  • Delete node_modules , package.json, and package-lock.json
  • Copy in the new package.json from this repository into your repository
  • run npm install
  • Note that the new serve command is npm start

Getting Started

Instructions to clone this repo.

1. Create a new repo on GitHub with as the Repository name

new repo

make sure to NOT initialize the repo with any data

do NOT check Initialize this repository with a README

do NOT add a .gitignore or license

new repo setup

Keep your repo link handy!

grab your repo link

2. Navigate to the directory you want to keep your project in (say ~/all-code-projects)

3. Clone this repo to get the boilerplate for your project: git clone <YOUR APP NAME>

  • For example, if <YOUR APP NAME> is 'my-first-app' then the directory will be cloned as a new folder called my-first-app

4. Replace the link to this repo with your GitHub repostiory so you can save your code under your own repo (the new one you just made)

  • git remote rm origin
  • git remote add origin <your repo link>
    • <your repo link> will be the link from the new repo you made in the first step. For example, if the repo name is my-first-app, the repo link will be the final command would then be git remote add origin
  • git push -u origin master to push all the changes to your remote repository

5. Now open the project in your favorite code editor and run npm install to install dependencies

  • you will need to install the dependencies to get the boilerplate code working. From your terminal (inside your project directory) enter: npm install. This will install the dependencies using NPM (node package manager)

6. Enter npm start to begin working on your project!

  • this command will open your project in the browser
  • as you make changes to the code in the project it will automatically reload the browser page to reflect them
  • you are ready to customize the project any way you'd like!

7. You can save your changes by committing and pushing them to GitHub

  • your local repo has been configured to push changes to the new repo you made automatically
  • read more about the basics of git in our Chingu Handbook

Adding more JavaScript files in the project

When creating more JavaScript files, remember to add them as Scripts in index.html. All JavaScript files are listed at the end of <body>. Remember -- ordering of the JavaScript scripts matter! For example, if you try and use a function from other.js in index.js, BUT, index.js is imported first in index.html -- it will result in undefined! That's because it doesn't know that other.js exists yet!

What do these commands do?

  • git clone <github repo link> my-app-name - Copies the repository onto your computer as a new folder called "my-app-name"
  • git remote rm origin - At this point, this repository copy is still connected to the simple-boilerplate github repository. This command will remove the remote origin link so you can connect it to a new link.
  • git remote add origin <your github repository link> - As mentioned above, this is how you add a new origin link for your repository. As in, any changes in your local development will be "pushed" and sent to the repository link you set.
  • git push -u origin master - Pushes all your local repository changes to master branch, aka your github repository master-branch.
  • npm install or shorthand npm i - Installs all dependencies the repository will need.
  • npm start will run the start script defined in package.json
    • this begins the live-server package which opens the browser and hot-reloads whenever you make changes in the project

Deployment to Github Pages

  1. In your github repository settings, do the following: instructions
  2. Go to your browser and check out http://<YourUsername><yourRepoName>. Give it a few minutes to see your changes!

More Info

Deployment to Heroku

If you want to deploy to Heroku, it would require you to write a small simple server that would serve the index.html file as an entry point. This boilerplate isn't setup for that, but feel free to add it yourself! Something to research here