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[#79] Add support for hyphenated intervals.
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Problem: when a user writes "10am-11am UTC ...", context is not shared
between times, and second time can be skipped because every time should
go after a space.

Solution: Parse time references that are grouped via hyphen, slash,
"and", "or" sharing their context: date ref, location ref, am/pm.
  • Loading branch information
YuriRomanowski committed Feb 24, 2023
1 parent ef9c80a commit 461920b
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Showing 9 changed files with 381 additions and 46 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ tests:
- tasty-hspec
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- time
- tztime
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217 changes: 177 additions & 40 deletions src/TzBot/Parser.hs
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module TzBot.Parser
import Universum hiding (many, toList, try)

import Data.Char (isUpper)
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Text qualified as T
Expand All @@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ import Data.Time.Calendar.Compat (DayOfMonth, MonthOfYear, Year)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeOfDay(..))
import Data.Time.Zones.All (TZLabel, tzNameLabelMap)
import Glider.NLP.Tokenizer (Token(..), tokenize)
import Text.Interpolation.Nyan (int, rmode')
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (Token)

import TzBot.Instances ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,17 +214,45 @@ type TzParser = Parsec Void [Token]
>>> parseTimeRefs "7:30pm 2022/08/3"
[TimeReference {trText = "7:30pm 2022/08/3", trTimeOfDay = 19:30:00, trDateRef = Just (DayOfMonthRef 3 (Just (8,Just 2022))), trLocationRef = Nothing}]
>>> parseTimeRefs "2022.8.03 7:30 pm "
>>> parseTimeRefs "2022.8.03 7:30 pm "
[TimeReference {trText = "2022.8.03 7:30 pm", trTimeOfDay = 19:30:00, trDateRef = Just (DayOfMonthRef 3 (Just (8,Just 2022))), trLocationRef = Nothing}]
>>> parseTimeRefs "7:30pm 2022.8.03 America/Havana"
[TimeReference {trText = "7:30pm 2022.8.03 America/Havana", trTimeOfDay = 19:30:00, trDateRef = Just (DayOfMonthRef 3 (Just (8,Just 2022))), trLocationRef = Just (TimeZoneRef America__Havana)}]
>>> parseTimeRefs "tomorrow 10am -11 am"
[TimeReference {trText = "tomorrow 10am", trTimeOfDay = 10:00:00, trDateRef = Just (DaysFromToday 1), trLocationRef = Nothing},TimeReference {trText = "tomorrow 11 am", trTimeOfDay = 11:00:00, trDateRef = Just (DaysFromToday 1), trLocationRef = Nothing}]
>>> parseTimeRefs "tomorrow 10am / 11 am"
[TimeReference {trText = "tomorrow 10am", trTimeOfDay = 10:00:00, trDateRef = Just (DaysFromToday 1), trLocationRef = Nothing},TimeReference {trText = "tomorrow 11 am", trTimeOfDay = 11:00:00, trDateRef = Just (DaysFromToday 1), trLocationRef = Nothing}]
>>> parseTimeRefs "between 10am and 11:30am UTC"
[TimeReference {trText = "10am UTC", trTimeOfDay = 10:00:00, trDateRef = Nothing, trLocationRef = Just (TimeZoneAbbreviationRef (TimeZoneAbbreviationInfo {tzaiAbbreviation = "UTC", tzaiOffsetMinutes = 0, tzaiFullName = "UTC"}))},TimeReference {trText = "11:30am UTC", trTimeOfDay = 11:30:00, trDateRef = Nothing, trLocationRef = Just (TimeZoneAbbreviationRef (TimeZoneAbbreviationInfo {tzaiAbbreviation = "UTC", tzaiOffsetMinutes = 0, tzaiFullName = "UTC"}))}]
>>> parseTimeRefs "Let's go on Wednesday at 10:00 or 11:00."
[TimeReference {trText = "on Wednesday at 10:00", trTimeOfDay = 10:00:00, trDateRef = Just (DayOfWeekRef Wednesday), trLocationRef = Nothing},TimeReference {trText = "on Wednesday 11:00", trTimeOfDay = 11:00:00, trDateRef = Just (DayOfWeekRef Wednesday), trLocationRef = Nothing}]
>>> parseTimeRefs "10-11pm tomorrow works for me"
[TimeReference {trText = "10pm tomorrow", trTimeOfDay = 22:00:00, trDateRef = Just (DaysFromToday 1), trLocationRef = Nothing},TimeReference {trText = "11pm tomorrow", trTimeOfDay = 23:00:00, trDateRef = Just (DaysFromToday 1), trLocationRef = Nothing}]
>>> parseTimeRefs "How about 10:00 or 11:00 pm tomorrow?"
[TimeReference {trText = "10:00 pm tomorrow", trTimeOfDay = 22:00:00, trDateRef = Just (DaysFromToday 1), trLocationRef = Nothing},TimeReference {trText = "11:00 pm tomorrow", trTimeOfDay = 23:00:00, trDateRef = Just (DaysFromToday 1), trLocationRef = Nothing}]
>>> parseTimeRefs "7.30-8.30pm"
[TimeReference {trText = "7.30pm", trTimeOfDay = 19:30:00, trDateRef = Nothing, trLocationRef = Nothing},TimeReference {trText = "8.30pm", trTimeOfDay = 20:30:00, trDateRef = Nothing, trLocationRef = Nothing}]
>>> parseTimeRefs "7.30am-8.30pm tomorrow"
[TimeReference {trText = "7.30am tomorrow", trTimeOfDay = 07:30:00, trDateRef = Just (DaysFromToday 1), trLocationRef = Nothing},TimeReference {trText = "8.30pm tomorrow", trTimeOfDay = 20:30:00, trDateRef = Just (DaysFromToday 1), trLocationRef = Nothing}]
>>> parseTimeRefs "7.30-8.30"
parseTimeRefs :: Text -> [TimeReference]
parseTimeRefs =
-- TODO use better error handling
fromMaybe []
map matchedToPlain
. fromMaybe []
. parseMaybe timeRefsParser
-- time reference can be either at the beginning or after a space
. (Whitespace :)
Expand All @@ -231,61 +261,118 @@ parseTimeRefs =
-- | Parser for multiple 'TimeReference' s.
-- This looks for all of them in the input and ignores everything surrounding.
timeRefsParser :: TzParser [TimeReference]
timeRefsParser :: TzParser [TimeReferenceMatched]
timeRefsParser = choice'
[ do
tr <- try timeRefParser
tr <- try timeRefConjugParser
trs <- timeRefsParser
return $ tr : trs
return $ tr <> trs
, anySingle >> timeRefsParser
, takeRest >> pure []

-- | Parses a single 'TimeReference', consuming all input.
timeRefParser :: TzParser TimeReference
-- | Parses entries like @between 10am and 11am@ or
-- @10am-11am on thursday or 1pm-2pm on wednesday@
timeRefConjugParser :: TzParser [TimeReferenceMatched]
timeRefConjugParser = do
firstConjugComponent <- timeRefParser
let conjugParser conjWord = do
optional' space
_ <- word' conjWord
-- no space here before `timeRefParser` requires a space before the contents
secondConjugComponent <- timeRefParser
pure $ unifyConjugComponents $ firstConjugComponent <> secondConjugComponent

unifyConjugComponents :: [TimeReferenceMatched] -> [TimeReferenceMatched]
unifyConjugComponents lst = do
let getUnique :: Eq a => (TimeReferenceMatched -> Maybe a) -> Maybe a
getUnique getter = do
let many = L.nub $ mapMaybe getter lst
case many of
[item] -> Just item
_ -> Nothing
let locRef = getUnique trLocationRef
dateRef = getUnique trDateRef
-- TODO: use lenses
flip map lst $
(whenJustFunc locRef \l tr -> addLocationIfMissing l tr)
. whenJustFunc dateRef \d tr -> addDateIfMissing d tr

[ conjugParser "and"
, conjugParser "or"
, pure firstConjugComponent

:: Matched LocationReference
-> TimeReferenceMatched
-> TimeReferenceMatched
addLocationIfMissing l tr =
if isNothing (trLocationRef tr)
then tr { trLocationRef = Just l, trText = [int||#{trText tr} (#{mtText l})|] }
else tr

:: Matched DateReference
-> TimeReferenceMatched
-> TimeReferenceMatched
addDateIfMissing d tr =
if isNothing (trDateRef tr)
then tr { trDateRef = Just d, trText = [int||#{trText tr} (#{mtText d})|] }
else tr

-- | Parses coupled 'TimeReference's, collecting the source text.
timeRefParser :: TzParser [TimeReferenceMatched]
timeRefParser = do
_ <- space
(newTrText, timeReference) <- match timeRefParser'
return timeReference { trText = concatTokens newTrText }

-- | Parses a single 'TimeReference', but does not collect the source text.
timeRefParser' :: TzParser TimeReference
timeRefParser' = do
let trText = ""
precBuilder <- fromMaybe builderInit <$> do
(precText, precBuilder) <- match $ fromMaybe builderInit <$> do
res <- optional' (builderParser False builderInit)
optional' spacedComma
pure res
trTimeOfDay <- timeOfDayParser
builder <- fromMaybe builderInit <$> optional' (builderParser True precBuilder)
timeEntry <- timeEntryParser
(afterText, builder) <- match $ fromMaybe builderInit <$> optional' (builderParser True precBuilder)
let trLocationRef = trbLocRef builder
trDateRef = trbDateRef builder
pure TimeReference {..}
let mkTrText refText =
T.concat [concatTokens precText, refText, concatTokens afterText]
let mkTimeReference todWithText = TimeReference
{ trText = mkTrText $ mtText todWithText
, trTimeOfDay = mtValue todWithText
, trDateRef
, trLocationRef
pure $ map mkTimeReference case timeEntry of
TESingle todwt -> [todwt]
TEPair todwt todwt' -> [todwt, todwt']

---- Collecting of optional time contexts
data ContextBuilder = ContextBuilder
{ trbDateRef :: Maybe DateReference
, trbLocRef :: Maybe LocationReference
{ trbDateRef :: Maybe (Matched DateReference)
, trbLocRef :: Maybe (Matched LocationReference)
} deriving stock (Show, Eq)

builderInit :: ContextBuilder
builderInit = ContextBuilder Nothing Nothing

data SumContextBuilder
= SCBDate DateReference
| SCBLocRef LocationReference
= SCBDate (Matched DateReference)
| SCBLocRef (Matched LocationReference)

sumBuilderParser :: TzParser SumContextBuilder
sumBuilderParser =
choice' [SCBDate <$> dateRefParser, SCBLocRef <$> locRefParser]
[ SCBDate . matched <$> match dateRefParser
, SCBLocRef . matched <$> match locRefParser

builderParser :: Bool -> ContextBuilder -> TzParser ContextBuilder
builderParser allowSpace b = do
sumB <- optional'
(when allowSpace (void $ optional' spacedComma) >> sumBuilderParser)
case sumB of
(when allowSpace (void $ optional' spacedComma) >> matched <$> match sumBuilderParser)
case fmap mtValue sumB of
Just (SCBDate dr) -> do
when (isJust $ trbDateRef b) empty
builderParser True b { trbDateRef = Just dr }
Expand All @@ -295,11 +382,56 @@ builderParser allowSpace b = do
Nothing -> pure b

matched :: ([Token], a) -> Matched a
matched (ts, val) = Matched (concatTokens ts) val

data TimeEntry
= TESingle (Matched TimeOfDay)
-- ^ E.g. @10am@
| TEPair (Matched TimeOfDay) (Matched TimeOfDay)
-- ^ E.g. @10am-11am@

timeEntryParser :: TzParser TimeEntry
timeEntryParser = do
let todWithTextParser = matched <$> match timeOfDayParser
firstRef <- todWithTextParser
let delimitedPair :: TzParser a -> TzParser TimeEntry
delimitedPair delim = do
optional' space
optional' space
secondRef <- todWithTextParser
let getIsAm
:: Matched (Maybe (TimeOfDay, Maybe $ Matched Bool), Bool -> TimeOfDay)
-> Maybe (Matched Bool)
getIsAm ref = fst (mtValue ref) >>= snd
let isAmOptions = mapMaybe getIsAm [firstRef, secondRef]
let applyIsAm
:: Matched Bool
-> Matched (Maybe (TimeOfDay, Maybe $ Matched Bool), Bool -> TimeOfDay)
-> Matched TimeOfDay
applyIsAm isAm ref = do
let shouldAppend = isNothing $ getIsAm ref
whenFunc shouldAppend (modifyText (<> mtText isAm)) $ fmap (($ mtValue isAm) . snd) ref
extractDefaultResult :: Matched (Maybe (TimeOfDay, a), b) -> Maybe (Matched TimeOfDay)
extractDefaultResult ref = traverse (fmap fst . fst) ref
case isAmOptions of
[isAm] -> pure $ (TEPair `on` applyIsAm isAm) firstRef secondRef
_ -> maybe empty pure $ TEPair <$> extractDefaultResult firstRef <*> extractDefaultResult secondRef

[ delimitedPair (punct '-')
, delimitedPair (punct '/')
, delimitedPair (word' "or")
, delimitedPair (word' "and")
, TESingle <$> traverse (\(mbRes, _) -> maybe empty (pure . fst) mbRes) firstRef

-- | Parses a 'TimeOfDay'.
-- This is permissive in the space, as it allows none to be between the time and
-- the AM/PM.
timeOfDayParser :: TzParser TimeOfDay
timeOfDayParser :: TzParser (Maybe (TimeOfDay, Maybe (Matched Bool)), Bool -> TimeOfDay)
timeOfDayParser = do
_ <- optional' (relationPreposition >> space)
hour <- hourParser
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,19 +460,25 @@ timeOfDayParser = do
, pure (Nothing, True)

isAm <- if isAmRequired
then isAmParser
else fromMaybe True <$> optional' isAmParser
let mkTime isAm = do
let todSec = 0
| isAm = hour
-- pm here
| hour < 12 = hour + 12
-- ignore pm if hour > 12
| otherwise = hour
todMin = fromMaybe 0 maybeMin
TimeOfDay {..}

mbIsAm <- optional' $ matched <$> match isAmParser
case mbIsAm of
Just isAm -> pure (Just (mkTime $ mtValue isAm, Just isAm), mkTime)
Nothing ->
if isAmRequired
then pure (Nothing, mkTime)
else pure (Just (mkTime True, Nothing), mkTime)

let todSec = 0
| isAm = hour
-- pm here
| hour < 12 = hour + 12
-- ignore pm if hour > 12
| otherwise = hour
todMin = fromMaybe 0 maybeMin
pure TimeOfDay {..}

isAmParser :: TzParser Bool
isAmParser = optional' space >>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -517,8 +655,7 @@ isPossibleTimezoneAbbrev w =
T.all isUpper w
&& T.length w >= 2
&& T.length w <= 5
&& w /= "AM"
&& w /= "PM"
&& not (w `elem` ["AM", "PM", "OR", "AND"])

-- Storages
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/TzBot/ProcessEvents/Message.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import TzBot.Slack
import TzBot.Slack.API
import TzBot.Slack.Events
import TzBot.Slack.Fixtures qualified as Fixtures
import TzBot.TimeReference (TimeReference(..))
import TzBot.TimeReference (TimeReference)
import TzBot.Util (whenT, withMaybe)

data MessageEventType = METMessage | METMessageEdited
Expand Down
38 changes: 34 additions & 4 deletions src/TzBot/TimeReference.hs
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Expand Up @@ -33,14 +33,44 @@ We use this type alias to make this distinction a bit more clear.
type TimeReferenceText = Text

-- | Datatype for keeping value together with its parsed text (as a sequence of tokens)
data Matched a = Matched
{ mtText :: Text
-- ^ Consumed tokens
, mtValue :: a
-- ^ Parsed value
} deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- TODO: use lenses
modifyText :: (Text -> Text) -> Matched a -> Matched a
modifyText f Matched {..} = Matched {mtText = f mtText, ..}

type family WhetherMatched f x where
WhetherMatched Identity x = x
WhetherMatched Matched x = Matched x

-- | A reference to a point in time, e.g. "tuesday at 10am", "3pm CST on July 7th"
data TimeReference = TimeReference
data TimeReferenceGeneric f = TimeReference
{ trText :: TimeReferenceText -- ^ The original section of the text from where this `TimeReference` was parsed.
, trTimeOfDay :: TimeOfDay
, trDateRef :: Maybe DateReference
, trLocationRef :: Maybe LocationReference
, trDateRef :: Maybe (WhetherMatched f DateReference)
, trLocationRef :: Maybe (WhetherMatched f LocationReference)

deriving stock instance Show TimeReference
deriving stock instance Eq TimeReference
deriving stock instance Show TimeReferenceMatched
deriving stock instance Eq TimeReferenceMatched

type TimeReference = TimeReferenceGeneric Identity
type TimeReferenceMatched = TimeReferenceGeneric Matched

matchedToPlain :: TimeReferenceMatched -> TimeReference
matchedToPlain TimeReference {..} = TimeReference
{ trDateRef = fmap mtValue trDateRef
, trLocationRef = fmap mtValue trLocationRef
, ..
deriving stock (Eq, Show)

getTzLabelMaybe :: TZLabel -> TimeReference -> Maybe TZLabel
getTzLabelMaybe senderTz timeRef = case trLocationRef timeRef of
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/TzBot/Util.hs
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Expand Up @@ -213,3 +213,10 @@ secondsPerMinute = 60

tztimeOffset :: TZTime -> Offset
tztimeOffset = Offset . timeZoneMinutes . tzTimeOffset

whenJustFunc :: Maybe b -> (b -> a -> a) -> a -> a
whenJustFunc Nothing _f = id
whenJustFunc (Just b) f = f b

whenFunc :: Bool -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
whenFunc b f = if b then f else id

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