This repo was archived since the relevant code was migrated to serlo/
Scripts for having the main backend services of the environment in a local machine.
- UNIX System
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Nodejs and Yarn
- Python 3 and pip
yarn start
# or `yarn start:detach` to have control of the terminal
Take a look package.json
for useful scripts!
- Make sure to use the local environment in
yarn dev
Note: every time you change.env
, you have to rerunyarn dev
cd back to this repo directory and
cp localhost-graphql-fetch.ts "$YOUR_FRONTEND_DIR/src/pages/api/frontend/localhost-graphql-fetch.ts"
<- important for doing authenticated actions, but do not commit this change in frontend!, in case you are also working there.
In case of registering new user head to localhost:4436
to get the verification link.
First of all add nbp
as host
sudo bash -c "echo ' nbp'" >> /etc/hosts
why do I need it? Kratos makes a request to the url of the oauth2 provider, but since its running inside a container, it can't easily use host port. nbp is a dns that is discoverable for the kratos container, so the host can use it also.
Run yarn start:nbp
Keycloak UI is available on nbp:11111
(username: admin, pw: admin).
There you have to configure Serlo as a client.
Client -> Create Client
id: serlo home and root url: http://localhost:3000 redirect uri: http://localhost:4433/self-service/methods/oidc/callback/nbp
Get the credentials and go to kratos/config.yml
enabled: true
- id: nbp
provider: generic
client_id: serlo
client_secret: <put secret here>
Run the local frontend (not forgetting to change in .env to local) to test.
- Kratos
- Configuration File
- General instructions (select 'Ory CLI')
- Keycloak
Kratos has to be rebuilt every time you change an email template. Use the following workflow:
- Edit templates.
- Run
yarn kratos:rebuild
- Test the verification or the recovery email at
. Repeat the process.
We are still in the phase of importing data from the legacy database into the kratos one.
From now on let's prefer imports using python for the simple reason that
we want to use the very same script in terraform and terraform template files
the $ may interfere with javascript $ in string interpolation.
$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(.venv) $ python3 path/to/import/script
# when you are done
(.venv) $ deactivate
$ yarn start:chat -d # or start:chat:kratos:db-layer if you're developing in api at the same time
# wait +- 1 minute
$ yarn prepare:rocket-chat
Registering rocket chat as client in hydra
CLIENT ID a6c3e143-****** # It will be different every time
Copy the client Id.
2. Rocket chat will be available in localhost:3030
. Log in as admin using the username dev
and password 123456
3. Go to three dots -> Administration -> Workspace -> Settings -> OAuth2 -> Serlo and paste the client id that you got earlier in the id
4. sudo bash -c "echo ' hydra' >> /etc/hosts"
. This step is optional, but quite handy. Downside: at the end you are not going to see yourself inside of the rocket chat, because of dns name clash with the container.
5. Logout and click on Serlo. You are going to be redirected to http://hydra:4444...
. If you haven't done step 4, just change hydra
with localhost
Note that while developing you may want to change the links to chat in some files of frontend (
to http://localhost:3030