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Fast and simple MCV in nodejs

[Section 1] Starting an Application

	var app	= require("nodejs-mvc");
	var appVars	= app.getVars();

	var server	= require("http").createServer(function( request, response, next ) {
		app.handleServerResponse( request, response, next );


	// from request.secretCookieKey it reads secret key for decoding cookie


	app.setRootPath( __dirname );
	app.setPublicPath( __dirname+'/public');
	app.setModulePath( __dirname+'/app/modules');


Starting an Application with an additional static server

	var app	= require("nodejs-mvc");
	var appVars	= app.getVars();


	app.setRootPath( __dirname );
	app.setPublicPath( __dirname+'/public');
	app.setModulePath( __dirname+'/app/modules');

	var server	= require("http").createServer(function( request, response, next ) {
		app.handleServerMidleware(request, response, function () {
			if (request.url.match(/(\/|)(styles|images|scripts)/)) {
				// will be search files in public path
				app.handleStaticResponse(request, response);
			} else if (request.url.match(/(\/|)(node-docs)/)) {
				// will be search static files in a custom path
				app.handleStaticResponse(request, response, "/var/www/node-js/");
			} else {
				app.handleServerResponseLogic( request, response, next );



	// method to call handleStaticResponse
	// in callback you get only one parameter ( err ) in case of file was not found
	//	app.handleStaticResponse(request, response, path, callback);
	//	app.handleStaticResponse(request, response, path);
	//	app.handleStaticResponse(request, response, callback);

[Section 2] Attaching a "" to server and assign SESSION and COOKIES

	 * Attaching SocketIO v.1.3.7 server *

	var app = require("nodejs-mvc");
	var appVars	= app.getVars();

	var server	= require("http").createServer(function( request, response, next ) {
		app.handleServerResponse( request, response, next );


	app.setRootPath( __dirname );
	app.setPublicPath( __dirname+'/public');
	app.setModulePath( __dirname+'/app/modules');

	 * Ataching SocketIO server *

	var io = require('')(server);

	 * adding session to socketio on authorisation
	io.set('authorization', function(data, accept) {
		// check if user has a session
		app.handleServerMidleware(data, {}, function (err) {
			if (!err) {
				console.log("authorization-no-session::Cookies: ", data.session, data.cookies);
				accept(null, true);
			} else {
				console.log("authorization-session::Cookies: ", data.session, data.cookies);
				accept(null, true);

	io.sockets.on('connection', function (client) {
		var sessionCronTimer;

		// attaching session to socket
		app.handleServerMidleware(client.handshake, {}, function (err) {
			if (!err) {
				// adding client session
				client.session	= client.handshake.session;

				// adding cron form refreshing session
				sessionCronTimer	= setInterval(function () {
					client.handshake.session.reload( function () {
				}, 2000);

		client.on('disconnect', function () {
			var er; try {
			} catch (er) {};

	// attaching your events :)
	// Building a chat room for sample

	// Chatroom

	// usernames which are currently connected to the chat
	var usernames = {};
	var numUsers = 0;

	io.on('connection', function (socket) {
	  var addedUser = false;

	  // when the client emits 'new message', this listens and executes
	  socket.on('new message', function (data) {
	    // we tell the client to execute 'new message'
	    socket.broadcast.emit('new message', {
	      username: socket.username,
	      message: data

	  // when the client emits 'add user', this listens and executes
	  socket.on('add user', function (username) {
	    // we store the username in the socket session for this client
	    socket.username = username;
	    // add the client's username to the global list
	    usernames[username] = username;
	    addedUser = true;
	    socket.emit('login', {
	      numUsers: numUsers
	    // echo globally (all clients) that a person has connected
	    socket.broadcast.emit('user joined', {
	      username: socket.username,
	      numUsers: numUsers

	  // when the client emits 'typing', we broadcast it to others
	  socket.on('typing', function () {
	    socket.broadcast.emit('typing', {
	      username: socket.username

	  // when the client emits 'stop typing', we broadcast it to others
	  socket.on('stop typing', function () {
	    socket.broadcast.emit('stop typing', {
	      username: socket.username

	  // when the user disconnects.. perform this
	  socket.on('disconnect', function () {
	    // remove the username from global usernames list
	    if (addedUser) {
	      delete usernames[socket.username];

	      // echo globally that this client has left
	      socket.broadcast.emit('user left', {
	        username: socket.username,
	        numUsers: numUsers


	console.log("Lunching server on port 8080");
	console.log("test on: http://localhost:8080");

Application adding controllers and actions

A demo application you will see in ./demo/mvc-sample/app.js

Defining the folder were a stored controllers: `app.setModulePath("app/modules");

File structure of an controller and actions:

    ⊢  modules
        ⊢ index            # folder for controller "index"
           ⊢ controller
              ⊢ index.js   # default action
              ⊢ create.js  # default other action named "create"

Actions's file "app/modules/index.js"

	module.exports	= {
		"public"	: true,	// define action as public default:false
		"postData"	: false,	// if `true` the service will wait while POST data
								// will be loaded in request object
								// POST data will be returned by request.postVars()
								// FILES will be returned by request.fileVars()
		"maxPostSize"	: 1024*1024, // default 1Mb
								// may be set true if action is sync without callbacks
		capture	: function( request, response, app, controller, action ) {
			// redner the view index
			controller.render( response, 'index', { username: "sergiu gordienco" });

Controllers's Methods

	module.exports	= {
		"public"	: false,	// define action as public default:false
		capture	: function (request, response, app, controller, action) {
			// list controller methods
  • controller.getViewer() - returns viewer Object
  • controller.getName() - returns controller name
  • controller.getView( str_viewName ) - returns view Object or false if it don't exists
  • controller.viewExists( str_viewName ) - returns Boolean trueif view exists else returnsfalse`
  • controller.render( response, viewName, parameters ) - if viewExists render view else doesn't do any thing
  • controller.removeView( viewName ) - removes view if it exists under an action on success return true else returns false
  • controller.getAction( actionName ) - return a action Object or false
  • controller.actionExists( actionName ) - return true if action exists
  • controller.addAction( actionName, configActionObject ) - add action to controller if action already exists returns false
  • controller.removeAction( actionName ) - removes action from controller on success returns true else false
  • controller.getVars() - return controllers vars object that can be used by all functions, and it is common for all user sessions

Action's Methods

	action = controller.getAction("library");
  • action.getController() - returns controller object
  • action.getName() - return action name
  • action.isPublic() - returns true if public is true else false
  • action.usePostData() - returns true if postData is true else false
  • action.maxPostSize(numberBytes) - if numberBytes is a number it updates maxPostSize parameter, even function returns current maxPostSize
  • request, response ) - run a action and returns true on success else returns Error object

Session vs SessionDyn

Using a session in a action:

module.exports	= {
	public	: 1,
	capture	: function (request, response, app, controller, action) {
		var sess = request.session
		if (sess.views) {
			response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html')
			response.write('<p>views: ' + sess.views + '</p><p>expires in: ' + (sess.cookie.maxAge / 1000) + 's</p>', function (err) {
				if (err) console.error(err);
		} else {
		sess.views = 1
			response.end('welcome to the session demo. refresh!')

SessionDyn request.sessionDyn

sessionDyn is much faster then other sessions, but it is stores object references in memory, it is very optimized, and practically, doesn't store additional metadata.

  • request.sessionDyn.ip() - returns current user ip
  • - returns
  • request.sessionDyn.origin() - returns request.headers.origin;
  • request.sessionDyn.hashSession( sessionId ) - returns hashed sessionId
  • request.sessionDyn.genSessionId() - returns a new valid sessionId
  • request.sessionDyn.sessionId() - returns current sessionId
  • request.sessionDyn.setExpire( secconds, sessionId ) - set session expire timeout, if sessionId is undefined it will update current session
  • request.sessionDyn.getExpire( sessionId ) - get session expire timestamp, if sessionId is undefined it will work with current session
  • request.sessionDyn.getCreated( sessionId ) - get creation timestamp for sessionDyn with id equal to sessionId
  • request.sessionDyn.sessionExists( sessionId ) : function( sessionId ) - retruns true if exists a sessionDyn with iq equal with sessionId
  • request.sessionDyn.getVars( sessionId ) - will return variables from a sessionDyn if it exists, if sessionId is undefined will return variables from current sessionDyn if sessionExists else retruns false

Request methods

  • request.headers - object that contains headers { "header name" : "header value", .... }
  • request.urlObject - object that resulted on parsing current url
    var url = "";


        "original"  : "",
        "origin"    : "","domain":"",
        "domain_short"  : "",
        "pathname"  : "/path/to-an-url",
        "reqQuery"  : "get=references",
        "protocol"  : "https",
        "protocoll" : "https://",
        "url"       : "",
        "url_p"     : "",
        "isIp"      : "",
        "get_vars"  : {
            "get"   : "references"
  • request.controller - current controller name
  • request.controllerAction - current action name
  • request.params - current parameters array
  • request.postData - Buffer Object where was stored original POST data
  • request.postVars() - returns POST vars stored in a object ( available as request.body )
	// for PUT method or other
	app.put(function (request, response, next) {

	app.put('/chat',function (request, response) {
  • request.fileVars() - returns FILE vars stored in a object
  • request.sessionDyn - returns sessionDyn Object
  • request.session - returns session Object
  • request.redirect( url, status ) - redirects to a specified url with a specified status ( default status = 302 )
  • request.postDataState - if POST data length is less that action.maxPostSize then it is true else false

Response Methods

  • response.req - request related tu current request
  • response.get(headerName) - return a header value
  • response.append(headerName, val) - add value to a header, if header is already set, append second same header
  • response.location(url) - add headers for redirect by url
  • `response.clearCookie(name, options) - removing a coockie
  • `response.cookie(name, val, options) - addinf a cookie
    • options.signed - if true, hash the cookie
    • options.expires - absolute expiration date for the cookie (Date object)
    • options.path - cookie path
    • options.maxAge - relative max age of the cookie from when the client receives it (seconds)
    • options.domain - domain for the cookie
    • - true or false
    • options.httpOnly - true or false
  • response.pipe(filePath, callback, request) piping a file from filePath to response response is not closed/ended callback captures err in case of in-success function (err) { /*...*/ } request is optional ( used for Content-Range header)
  •, fileName, callback, request) piping a file from filePath to response fileName filename for downloaded file response is not closed/ended callback captures err in case of in-success function (err) { /*...*/ } request is optional ( used for Content-Range header)
  • response.staticResource(filePath, fileName, callback, request) piping a file from filePath to response fileName filename for returned file response is not closed/ended callback captures err in case of in-success function (err) { /*...*/ } request is optional ( used for Content-Range header)

Templates Env references

var app = require("nodejs-mvc")();

	author: "sergiu-gordienco"

// in templates will be available a reference env with data { author: "sergiu-gordienco" }

application viewer - Viewer Object

Small overview

	debugMode	: function (status) {
		// updates or just return current debug status
	getEnvVars	: function() {
		// return envVars;
	updateEnvVars	: function( data ) {
		// updates env vars
	renderCode	: function (code, vars, virtualFilePath, cb) {
		// code - the code to e rendered
		// vars - this reference will be available in template as "vars"
		// virtualFilePath - reference path that will be used for searching included files
		// cb - callback for getting results
			// arguments:
				// error - ( Array of errors ) or ( undefined )
				// html - String code

Email Object


	var app = require("nodejs-mvc");
	var Email = app.Email
	var myMsg = new Email(
	{ from: "[email protected]"
		, to:   "[email protected]"
		, subject: "Knock knock..."
		, body: "Who's there?"

	// if callback is provided, errors will be passed into it
	// else errors will be thrown
	myMsg.send(function(err){ ... })

Note that no callback was passed into send(), therefore errors will throw.


	new Email(config)

config options:

  • to {array|string}
    • Email address(es) to which this msg will be sent
  • from {string}
    • Email address from which this msg is sent. If not set defaults to the exports.from global setting.
  • replyTo {string}
    • Email address to which replies will be sent. If not set defaults to from
  • cc {array|string}
    • Email address(es) who receive a copy
  • bcc {array|string}
    • Email address(es) who receive a blind copy
  • subject {string}
    • The subject of the email
  • body {string}
    • The message of the email
  • bodyType {string}
    • Content type of body. Only valid option is 'html' (for now). Defaults to text/plain.
  • altText {string}
    • If bodyType is set to 'html', this will be sent as the text alternative.
  • timeout {number}
    • Duration in milliseconds to wait before killing the process. If not set, defaults to exports.timeout global setting.
  • path {string}
    • Optional path to the sendmail executable
  • debug {boolean}
    • Print debug info

TODO documentation for following objects

app.debug app.console app.templateManager app.getVars app.maxPostSize app.onMaxPostSize app.sessionManager app._events // .onError app.httpStatuses

appInstance._functions.isValidIdentifier appInstance.structure appInstance.sessionExpire appInstance.templateEnv appInstance.sessionAutoUpdate appInstance.getPublicPath appInstance.getRootPath appInstance.getLibPath appInstance.getVendorPath appInstance.viewer

Templates FaceboxTPL

To view parameters that are send have following structure

On template Rendering we have following variables

	// variables that a sent from controllers
	var vars	= {};

	var env		= {
		error	: [],
		vars	: envVars,
		path	: "", // file path of current rendered template
		dirname	: "", // dirname of current rendered template
		render	: function( text, vars, env ) {}, // render function
		renderFile	: function( file, vars, callback ) {}, // render file function
			// callback( error {{ [] or false }}, htm)

	// env vars sent from app
	env.vars = {
		response : [object] // http response object

An example how to render a view:

	// file app/modules/index/controller/pageviews.js

	// file represents action page-views from controller index
	var _vars	= {
		pageviews	: 0
	module.exports	= {
		public	: true,
		capture	: function( request, response, app, controller, action ) {
			// increasing page-views
			// sending page-views to view
			controller.render( response, 'index', { pageviews: (++_vars.pageviews) });

Operation in templates

Include another template

	<!DOCTYPE html>
	<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
		<!-- Include rendered teplate -->
		{{render: env.vars.paths.layouts+"header.tpl" }}
		<div class="my-content">
			<!-- Include teplate and render with all content -->
			{{include: env.vars.paths.layouts+"header.tpl" }}
			Lorem ipsum Excepteur dolore labore nisi non.
		<!-- Include rendered teplate -->
		{{render: env.vars.paths.layouts+"footer.tpl" }}

Executing operations in template code

	<!DOCTYPE html>
	<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
			vars.item_index	= 0;
		<script type="text/facebox-template">
			vars.item_index	= 1;
			<li>item {{ ++vars.item_index }}</li>
			<li>item {{ ++vars.item_index }}</li>
			<li>item {{ ++vars.item_index }}</li>
			<li>item {{ ++vars.item_index }}</li>
			<li>item {{ ++vars.item_index }}</li>
			var message	= 'Were inserted '+vars.item_index+' items';
			// returning response that will be inserted
			return message;
		<script type="text/facebox-template">
			var message	= 'Were inserted '+vars.item_index+' items';
			// returning response that will be inserted
			return message;

Isolate a section of code from parsing / no-format

	<!DOCTYPE html>
	<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
			not parsed code ... even this "{{read:license.txt}}"

Adding a script and a css style

	<!DOCTYPE html>
	<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
			// javascript code
			html, body {
				background	: white;
				color	: black;

Include content from a file without parsing it


Include content from a file encoded in HEX

	<script type="text/javascript">
		var fileHexContent	= "{{read-hex:file.hex}}"

Include content from a file encoded in base64

	<img src="data:image/jpeg; base64,{{read-base64:image.png}}" />

Using Extended prototype

Extended template operations regarding prototype

Escaping HTML chars

For strings references

	<a href="{{ vars.url.toHtml() }}">{{ }}</a>

For other type of references

	<a href="{{ ((vars.url || "") + "").toHtml() }}">{{ (( || "") + "").toHtml() }}</a>

Global Functions

Extend/Merge Objects

	objMerge	= function(obj1, obj2, obj3, ..) { /*...*/ }

extend object objEncodeURL({ name: "foo", val : "23"}, { val: 24, val2: "abc"} ) result { name: "foo", val: 24, val2: "abc" }

remove poperty from object objEncodeURL({ name: "foo", val : "23"}, { val: null, val2: "abc"} ) result { name: "foo", val2: "abc" }

Encode URL variables

	objEncodeURL	= function(data, prefix) { /*...*/ }

objEncodeURL({ foo: 5, bar: [1,5,9], cid: "id-3453" }) result foo=5&bar[0]=1&bar[1]=5&bar[2]=9&cid=id-3453

objEncodeURL([{ foo: 5, bar: [1,5,9], cid: "id-3453" }, "test", { value: "123" }], "data") result data[foo]=5&bar[0]=1&bar[1]=5&bar[2]=9&cid=id-3453

Check references' types

Check if reference is an Array. Returns boolean

	isArray = function() { /*...*/ };

Check if reference is a String. Returns boolean

	isString	= function(val) {};

Global Object m_store

Method m_store.empty:

Returns true if v is empty ( undefined, null, 0, "0", false, [], "" ) else returns false; if objectCheck = true then m_store.empty also will turn true for empty objects.

	m_store.empty	: function(v, objectCheck) { /*...*/ };

Method m_store.is_numeric:

	m_store.is_numeric	: function(v) { /*...*/ },

Return true if reference v is a number or a numeric string

Method m_store.type:

	m_store.type	: function(val) { /*...*/ }

Detects following type of reference types,

  • return 'null' for null reference
  • return 'string' for String reference or instanceof String
  • return 'boolean' for boolean reference
  • return 'undefined' for undefined references
  • return 'function' for functions
  • return 'number' for number
  • return 'array' for array objects
  • return 'regexp' for Regular Expressions
  • return 'object' for Objects

Method m_store.json:

Following function encodes a reference into JSON object. The function will encode different references, even: functions, Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, undefined

maxEncodeDepth if is not defined, default is 5

	m_store.json	: function(val, maxEncodeDepth ) {}

Method m_store.getv:

Return parsed JSON value. When safeMode is not specified or is false, the method m_store.getv uses eval (not safe)

With safeMode = true will be used function JSON.parse ( JSON parse will not be able to decode functions, Infinity, -Infinity or NaN references )

	m_store.getv	: function(val, safeMode) { /*...*/ }

String Prototype

Subs Method:

	String.prototype.subs	= function(string, offset, length) {}

"abcdefghi".subs(2) is equal to "ab" "abcdefghi".subs(2,3) is equal to "cde" "abcdefghi".subs(-2) is equal to "hi" "abcdefghi".subs(1,-2) is equal to "bcdefg" "abcdefghi".subs(-4,3) is equal to "fgh"

Subs Method:

	String.prototype.toHex = function(utf8String) { /*...*/ return hex_str; }
	String.prototype.fromHex = function(){ /*...*/ retrun utf8_str; },

"TEST".toHex() is equal to "54455354" "54455354".fromHex() is equal to "TEST" "54455354".fromHex() is equal to "TEST"

UTF-8 vs Unicode Function .toHex() and .fromHex is working with UTF-8 Strings but javascript is working with Unicode "€".toHex() (Unicode) 1 char in HEX is 2 chars "20ac" "20ac".fromHex() is " ¬"

So correctly to encode UnicodeText to Hex is "€".utf8encode().toHex() and the result is "e282ac" and "e282ac".fromHex().utf8decode() is "€"

Escape HTML

	String.prototype.toHtmlSimple	= function() { /*...*/ retrun str; },
	String.prototype.toHtml = function(){ /*...*/ return str;},
	String.prototype.cleanTags	= function() { /*...*/ return str; }

Check if word exists in a list of words separated by " "

	// add class
	String.prototype.add_Class = function(x){},
	// remove class
	String.prototype.del_Class = function(x){},
	// check is calss exists
	String.prototype.fnd_Class = function(x){},

String letterCase change

	String.prototype.swp_case = function(){ return str; }
	String.prototype.ucfirst = function(k){ return str; }
	String.prototype.lcfirst = function(k){ return str; }

Encoding Conversions

	String.prototype.utf8need = function() { return bool_utf8 }
	String.prototype.utf8encode = function() { return utf8_str; }
	String.prototype.utf8decode = function(strUtf) { return unicode_str; }
	String.prototype.utf8	= String.prototype.utf8encode;
	String.prototype.unicode = String.prototype.utf8decode;

	String.prototype.escapeHex	= function() { /* ... */ return str; },
	// on execution: "#$%#$%^".escapeHex()
	// return "\x23\x24\x25\x23\x24\x25\x5E"

	String.prototype.escape		= function() { return escape(this); },
	String.prototype.encodeURI	= function() { return encodeURIComponent(this); },
	String.prototype.unescape	= function() { return unescape(this); },
	String.prototype.decodeURI	= function() { return decodeURIComponent(this); },

	String.prototype.toRegexp = function(flags){ return reg_exp_object; }
	// on execution: ".*".toRegexp("g")
	// returns: /.*/g

Parse URL links

	String.prototype.parseUrlVars	= function(json,params) { retrun data_object; },
	String.prototype.parseMultipartFormData	= function(json,params,postToUtf8, hexData) { return data_object; },
	String.prototype.parseUrl	= function(url) { return object; }


Parse URL
		original	: "",
		origin	: "",
		domain	: "",
		domain_short	: "",
		pathname: "/test",
		reqQuery	: "nr=1&module=mvc",
		protocol: "http",
		protocoll: "http://"
Parse URL with GET vars
		get_vars	: {
			nr	: 1,
			module	: mvc,
			val : {
				x	: 5
		original	: "",
		origin	: "",
		domain	: "",
		domain_short	: "",
		pathname: "/test",
		reqQuery	: "nr=1&module=mvc",
		protocol: "http",
		protocoll: "http://"
Parse URL retrieve only GET vars
		nr	: 1,
		module	: mvc,
		val : {
			x	: 5
Parse URL and retrieve only a property from parsed Object






Match a string using a reg expression described in a string

	String.prototype.match_str	= function(regexp_str,regexp_flags) { /* ... */ }

Make a SHA1 Hash

	String.prototype.sha1 : function(utf8){return Sha1.hash(this,( utf8 || typeof(utf8) == "undefined" ) ? true : false)},

	// "utf8" indicates that code firstly should be encoded to UTF-8 from UNICODE
	// default "utf8" argument is true


	// returns

Make a SHA2 Hash

	String.prototype.sha256 : function(utf8){return Sha256.hash(this,( utf8 || typeof(utf8) == "undefined" ) ? true : false)},

	// "utf8" indicates that code firstly should be encoded to UTF-8 from UNICODE
	// default "utf8" argument is true


	// returns

Make a MD5 Hash

	String.prototype.md5	: function() { /* ... */},


	// returns

For encoding JavaScript UNICODE code into Base64

	String.prototype.base64encode	: function() { return btoa(this.utf8need()); },

For decoding JavaScript UNICODE code into Base64

	String.prototype.base64decode	: function() { return atob(this).unicode(); },

For encoding JavaScript UTF8 and ASCII code into Base64

	String.prototype.base64encodeClean	: function() { return btoa(this); },

For decoding JavaScript UTF8 and ASCII code into Base64

	String.prototype.base64decodeClean	: function() { return atob(this); },

Encrypt a String using a passKey and TEA algorithm

	String.prototype.encryptTea	: function(p) { /* ... */ },

Decrypt a String using a passKey and TEA algorithm

	String.prototype.decryptTea	: function(p) { /* ... */ },

Encrypt a String using a passKey and passlength ( 128, 192, 256 ) in AES algorithm

	String.prototype.encryptAes	: function(passKey, passlength) { /* ... */ },

Decrypt a String using a passKey and passlength ( 128, 192, 256 ) in AES algorithm

	String.prototype.decryptAes	: function(passKey, passlength) { /* ... */ },

String Method buildQuery

	String.prototype.buildQuery	: function() {
		var r	= /^\s*([a-z]+)\:\s*(\S[^\:]*?|)\s*(\s[a-z]+\:.*|)$/i
		var s = this, o = { "_keys" : [] }, m, k, f = s.split(/([a-z]+)\:/i);
		if( m = f[0].match(/^\s*(\S[\s\S]*?)\s*$/) ) {
			o['_']	= m[1];
		f = s.substring(f[0].length,s.length);
		while( m = f.match(r) ) {
			o[k = m[1].toLowerCase()]	= m[2];
			f = f.split(m[0]).join(m[3]);
		return o;


	"test:234 val:foo bar".buildQuery()
	// returns
		"_keys" : ["test", "val"],
		"test"	: "234",
		"val"	: "foo bar"

String Method buildSearchArray

	String.prototype.buildSearchArray	: function() { /*...*/ return arr; }


	"test 'foo bar'".buildSearchArray()
	// returns
	["test", "foo bar"]

Array prototype

Array method (inArray) - search an element in a array with a defined comparator

		comparator posible values:
		1. '==='	- check if is strict equal
		2. '=='		- check if is equal
		3. a _function_ :
		function(searched_item,array_item) {
			return searched_item === array_item
	Array.prototype.inArray	= function(a,comparator) { /*...*/ },

Split an Array by an a value of one octet

	Array.prototype.split	= function (elem, num, cmp) { /*...*/ },

Split an Array by an a section value of one or more bytes

	Array.prototype.splitSect	= function(elem, num) {
		return this.split(elem, (num || 0), "indexOfSect");

Convert a Array to an parameter object

	Array.prototype.toParamObj	= function() { /*...*/ },

Remove from Array undefined values

	Array.prototype.resetArray	= function() {return this.filter(function(v) { return ( typeof(v) != "undefined" ); })},

Find IndexOf position of a set of elements in a Array

	Array.prototype.indexOfSect	= function (searchElement, fromIndex) { /*...*/ }
Number.prototype.round	= function(k) {	if(k) return parseFloat(this.toFixed(k)); return Math.round(this);	},

Number.prototype.ceil	= function() {	return Math.ceil(this);	},

Number.prototype.floor	= function() {	return Math.floor(this);	}

Buffer prototype

Split a Buffer by an a value of one octet

	Buffer.prototype.split	= function (elem, num, cmp) {
		/* ... */
		return lines;

Split a Buffer by an a section value of one or more bytes

	Buffer.prototype.splitSect	= function(elem, num) {
		return this.split(elem, (num || 0), "indexOfSect");

Converts a Buffer in a params object

	Buffer.prototype.toParamObj	= function() { /*...*/ },

Find IndexOf a byte in a Buffer

	Buffer.prototype.indexOf	= function(searchSequence, fromIndex) { /*...*/ },

Find IndexOf a section of bytes in a Buffer

	Buffer.prototype.indexOfSect	= function(searchSequence, fromIndex) { /*...*/ },

Console object was Extended

was added method prompt:


console.prompt("rerun tests? [y/n]: ", function (err, buffer) {
	var response = buffer.toString().replace(/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/, '$1');
	if (response === 'y') {
		// TODO what you want...

console output now is much better formated ( for teminal vt100 )


  • Gordienco Sergiu


(The MIT License)

Copyright (c) 2014 Gordienco Sergiu <[email protected]>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



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