From sentclose
This is the server api which manages the user, groups and keys. It comes with mysql/mariadb or sqlite support.
Running the server
cargo run
Running release
cargo run --release
Integration tests. A maria db connection is needed.
cargo test --test '*' -- --test-threads=1
Unit tests
cargo test --lib -- --test-threads=1
Test all
cargo test -- --test-threads=1
Running the server
cargo run --features=sqlite --no-default-features
Running release
cargo run --features=sqlite --no-default-features --release
Integration tests. A path to the sqlite db is needed in as env
cargo test --features=sqlite --no-default-features --test '*' -- --test-threads=1
Unit tests
cargo test --lib --features=sqlite --no-default-features -- --test-threads=1
Test all
cargo test --features=sqlite --no-default-features -- --test-threads=1
For dev, it is recommended to compile sqlite into a new target dir.
cargo run --features=sqlite --no-default-features --target-dir=target_sqlite