Virtual calc/excel engine that runs in mobile (React native), web browser(Javascript) and server (Nodejs)
For virtual wordprocessor engine see :
React native UI created on top of virtual calc/excel engine
React native UI created on top of virtual calc/excel engine
npm run gen-npm-pkg
let CalcEngine=require("./dist/npm_bundle.js");
let sh = new CalcEngine.Sheet();
CalcEngine.ScheduleSheetCommands(sh, "set A1 formula SUM(B1:B10)");
CalcEngine.ScheduleSheetCommands(sh, "set B1 value n 5");
CalcEngine.ScheduleSheetCommands(sh, "set B2 value n 25");
CalcEngine.ScheduleSheetCommands(sh, "set B3 formula B2*2");
CalcEngine.ScheduleSheetCommands(sh, "set B4 formula B3*5");
CalcEngine.ScheduleSheetCommands(sh, "set B5 formula B4*3");
CalcEngine.ScheduleSheetCommands(sh, "merge B1:C1");
CalcEngine.ScheduleSheetCommands(sh, "unmerge B1");
CalcEngine.ScheduleSheetCommands(sh, 'set D2 bt 1px solid rgb(0,0,0)\nset D2 bb 1px solid rgb(0,0,0)');
var sh = new CalcEngine.Sheet();
let snapshot_sheet = sh.CreateSheetSave()
var sh = new CalcEngine.Sheet();
These style commands shall be observed by inserting console.log at CalcEngine.ExecuteSheetCommand method
Cell border
set A1 bt 1px solid rgb(0,0,0) set A1 br 1px solid rgb(0,0,0) set A1 bb 1px solid rgb(0,0,0) set A1 bl 1px solid rgb(0,0,0)
Font family, style & size
set A1 font italic bold 9pt arial,helvetica,sans-serif
Foreground & background color
set A1 color rgb(0,221,0) set A1 bgcolor rgb(0,0,170)
set A1 layout padding:4px 4px 4px 4px;vertical-align:*;
Format number (this is sample, there are many formats)
set A1 nontextvalueformat #,##0
Format text (this is sample, there are many formats)
set A1 textvalueformat text-plain
Align center
set A1 cellformat center
Align vertical
set A1 layout padding:4px 4px 4px 4px;vertical-align:middle;
This virtual calc engine is based on