🚀 Enhancement
feat(lang): Added Turkish translations #110 (@Son-Shinobi )
feat(items): Add throwing cooldowns for kunai and shuriken #110 (@sekwah41 )
feat(ability): Add water jutsu cooldown #110 (@sekwah41 )
feat(ability): Water bullet now rotates based on look pitch #110 (@sekwah41 )
feat(abilities): Disabled ability casting in spectator mode #110 (@sekwah41 )
feat(abilities): Water bullet jutsu #110 (@sekwah41 )
feat(abilities): Improve fireball sound effect subtitles #110 (@sekwah41 )
refactor(ability): Change cool-down class name and show seconds left #109 (@sekwah41 )
feat: changed to using an interface to identify if I jutsu should have a cooldown #109 (@DiscultDev )
feat: simple cooldown system for jutsus #109 (@DiscultDev )
🐛 Bug Fix
refactor(entities): Stop aoe damage to non living entities #110 (@sekwah41 )
refactor(items): Change shuriken recipe #110 (@sekwah41 )
refactor(abilities): Chakra and stamina are now full on respawn #110 (@sekwah41 )
refactor(ability): Alter cooldowns #110 (@sekwah41 )
fix(ability): Brightness of water bullet #110 (@sekwah41 )
fix(ability): Water bullet travels at full speed in water #110 (@sekwah41 )
fix(abilities): Jutsu cast messages on severs #110 (@sekwah41 )
fix(blocks): Moved bonsai tree to the correct creative tab #110 (@sekwah41 )
refactor(ui): Change chakra color #110 (@sekwah41 )
refactor(abilities): Fireball, reduce damage to caster #110 (@sekwah41 )
Authors: 3
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