A sample project to demonstrate how AF SDK is used by Seeq.
First we may need to get the dependencies. This step is only needed if your IDE is not getting them automatically. This can be done by running the following command in the root of the project:
nuget install packages.config -o packages
Then you have to add the reference to the AF SDK dlls. This has to be done manually.
-a, --af_server_id=VALUE AF Server ID.
-u, --username=VALUE Optional username.
-p, --password=VALUE Optional password.
-s, --start=VALUE Request start (ISO time. It defaults to 2019-01-02T00:00:00.0Z) if not provided.
-e, --end=VALUE Request end (ISO time). It defaults to 2023-11-02T00:00:00.0Z if not provided.
-c, --samples_per_chunk=VALUE
Maximum number of samples to get in a AF request. It default to 5000000.
-t, --threads=VALUE Max degree of parallelism.
-f, --file=VALUE File from where to read the data IDs (one per line).
Get all samples in the default time range for all attributes listed in the csv file, making requests on 64 threads and getting 32768 samples per chunk.
AFProbe.exe -u <yourUser> -p <yourPassword> -a <AF server GUID> -f c:\full path to csv file\the file.csv -t 64 -c 32768
Get all samples in the default time range for all attributes listed in the csv file, making requests on 64 threads
and getting the maximum number of samples (automatically calculated based on AcrMaxCollector) per chunk.
AFProbe.exe -u <yourUser> -p <yourPassword> -a <AF server GUID> -f c:\full path to csv file\the file.csv -t 64
Get all samples in the default time range for all attributes listed in the csv file, making all requests on one single thread
and getting the maximum number of samples (automatically calculated based on AcrMaxCollector) per chunk.
AFProbe.exe -u <yourUser> -p <yourPassword> -a <AF server GUID> -f c:\full path to csv file\the file.csv -t 1
The csv file should contain one ID per line. The ID is the concatenation of the element ID and the attribute ID, separated by a slash. The csv file should contain no header.