EEEEEEEE (later referenced as "8E") is a direct programming language that uses direct code manipulation to convert the 8E byte code into executables. The compiler is very memory efficient and thus make the process of compiling 8E even more efficent and fast. 8E can be compiled and executed on nearly every system. Source Code files usually end wth .EEEEEEEE
The standert of 8E is documented and can be found in docs/. There is in addition the source code of some example programms in examples/ wich can be compiled and tested. Further information about these can be found in the same directory.
There are multiple ways of getting a compiler for 8E running on your system:
Ready to use compiler Download one of the compiler in your desired language. Compile a 8E program by executing the downloaded compiler in your shell
High speed Compile the source code using codon
Feel free to create issues if you found a bug, or there are improvements needed in the documentation/code. You can also try to fix them by yourself and make a pull request.
This project is maintained under GPLv3.