Google removed this extension from Chrome Web Store, asking for justifications for all of the permissions I use, and justification for their new single purpose policy. I'm working on it.
At this moment, I've submitted Sound Pirate to Microsoft Edge Addons(I personally switched to the new Edge browser). This is the URL:
I will never do anything harmful with Sound Pirate. And I will never sell this extension to anyone else (I got quite a few emails asking me to sell it). And you guys can always use the source code to build you own Sound Pirate without installing from any store if you want.
- Checkout your Chrome version is 24+
- Download and install the extension, either through Chrome WebStore( for Stable Version ) , or Github ( for Dev version)
- Go to online music website and enjoy the music.
- Once you see the small icon show up on left bottom conner, that means Sound Pirate is ready to grab that music!
Seeker Lee @Github or Pan[@Github] (, @Facebook
The following websites have been tested to support Douban FM,Douban Artists,Xiami,QQ music,163 music,Kuwo
- 升级你的chrome或其他chrome核浏览器(已知支持枫树浏览器,360急速浏览器最新版),已知支持chrome内核24+版本
- 安装此插件(Chrome WebStore链接)
- 打开在线音乐网页,播放音乐
- 音乐成功播放后,左下角/右下角会出现下载链接,点击下载
报告bug,提建议请建 issue
- make sure you have nodejs installed
- clone this repo, and cd inside:
git clone [email protected]:seekerlee/SoundPirate.git
;cd SoundPirate
- run
npm install
- to develop:
npm run start
- to build:
npm run build
- remove/disable SoundPirate if you already installed from Chrome Webstore
- open url chrome://extensions/ in chrome, turn on 'Developer mode' and click 'load unpacked' button and select the build folder.
- listen and test
src/js/service/qq.js is a good example to start.
- support m3u8 if possible
- add options
New in 2.0:
- Rewrite the code. It should be easier to understand and maintain.
- Add more service should be easier.
- Fixed some old bugs, performance issues.
- Remove a few dead services
credit to