Starting point for working on SeedCode projects. This includes SeedCode's dev environment.
MonoSnap (for screencasts):
Launch Terminal app:
Create a global git ignore file:
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
touch ~/.gitignore_global
nano ~/.gitignore_global
Then paste the following:
## Begin ignore list ##
# OS generated files #
# Vagrant generated files #
## End ignore list ##
press "ctl" + "x" to exit, then “y” to save and "enter" to confirm.
Add user email and name to git config file:
nano ~/.gitconfig
Fill in name and email. When done "ctrl" + "x" to exit, then “y” to save and "enter" to confirm.
Once you have the project repo URL from Kiln add the repo to SourceTree and pull the project:
Click "New Repository"
Then "Clone from URL"
Paste in the repo URL and choose a folder on your computer to clone the repo to
Then click "Clone"
Navigate back to the Terminal App and excecute the following commands:
Vagrant plugins:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
How to start vagrant:
Navigate to your project repo, then navigate to the vagrant folder within that. Then run the command vagrant up...
cd yourproject/vagrant
vagrant up
This may take several minutes as it will download the base image and install everything. This will only take this long the first time.
If you need to activate SSL for the development environment run the following commands from the context of the vagrant folder replace the email and domain placeholders with your specific data...
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
grunt ssl:YourEmail:YourDomain
Once complete you can exit out of your vagrant ssh session by executing the command
Vagrant can be stopped by typing
vagrant halt
To start vagrant again (and the dev environment) simply navigate to the vagrant folder in the terminal and type
vagrant up