Releases: seblabbe/slabbe
New modules to deal with the coding of Z^d
-action by PETs, d
-dimensionalsturmian configurations. Improved the computation of induced polyhedron partition and induced polyhedron exchange transformation. New modules containing the code for the articles arxiv:1903.06137
and arXiv:1906.01104
Version 0.6
Make the package work with Python 3
Version 0.5
Version 0.5 (April 10, 2019)
Few fixes for the version 2 of "Substitutive structure of Jeandel-Rao aperiodic tilings".
New additions includes solving Wang tilings problem using SAT solvers and a
class for Polyhedron exchange transformations.
version 0.4.4
Make import slabbe
work in Sage with Python 3.
version 0.4.3
Few fixes for the publication of “Substitutive structure of Jeandel-Rao aperiodic tilings”.
version 0.4.2
Version 0.4.2 (July 20, 2018)
Few fixes for the version 2 of “A self-similar aperiodic set of 19 Wang tiles”.
Version 0.4.1
Few fixes for the publication of "A self-similar aperiodic set of 19 Wang tiles". New module to solve the Magic hexagon problem.
version 0.4
Version 0.4 includes new modules for Wang tilings, 2d substitutions, polyhedron partitions, partial injections, ostrowski numeration, analyse Sage build and many improvements to other modules.
Version 0.3b2
Version 0.3b2 includes a new module for diophantine approximations, random point generation inside polytopes, analyzing sage building time, and many improvements to previous modules.
All doctest passed. Documentation has not been checked.
version 0.2
Version 0.2, available since November 2015, provides modules on multidimensional continued fraction algorithms, matrix cocycles, languages, tikzpictures.