- creates a superuser and store it in a secret for integration with other kubernetes resources
- optionally uses zalando's postgres operator (see here)
See here for all configuration options
helm repo add cvat-helm https://sebagarayco.github.io/cvat-helm/
# list the versions available
helm search repo cvat-helm
# check what settings are available
helm inspect values cvat-helm/cvat-helm
# install
helm install cvat cvat-helm/cvat-helm \
--namespace='cvat' --create-namespace \
--set superUser.initialPassword=boo \
--set ingress.host=cvat.com \
--set ingress.clusterIssuer=letsencrypt-prod
# optionally AWS
--set ingress.certificateArn="<certificate_arn>" \
--set ingress.cognitoEnabled="true" \
--set ingress.cognitoUserPool="<poolId>" \
--set ingress.cognitoUserPoolClient="<poolClient>" \
--set ingress.cognitoUserPoolDomain="<poolDomain>"