An API for making menus inside Minecraft's chat. This API treats Minecraft's chat like a 2D grid, allowing you to position elements freely in chat.
Add ChatMenuAPI.jar
to your build path, then add it as a dependency in your plugin.yml
depend: [ChatMenuAPI]
To create a menu, just create a new instanceof ChatMenu
ChatMenu menu = new ChatMenu();
If you are not using this API just for chat formatting, it is recommended that you make the menu a pausing menu:
ChatMenu menu = new ChatMenu().pauseChat();
When this menu is sent to a player, it will automatically pause outgoing chat to that player so that the menu will not be interrupted.
Warning: If you make a menu pause chat, you need to add a way to close the menu!
Elements are the building blocks of menus. They are used to represent everything in a menu. There are a few elements provided by default, you can view them by clicking here.
Basic TextElement
menu.addElement(new TextElement("Hello, world!", 10, 10));
Basic close button:
menu.addElement(new ButtonElement(x, y, ChatColor.RED+"[Close]", (p) -> {menu.close(p); return false;}));
Most interactive elements have one or more State
s are used to store information about an Element
, such as the current number in an IncrementalElement
Every state can have a change callback to detect when it changes:
IncrementalElement incr = ...;
incr.value.onChange((s) -> {
System.out.println("IncrementalElement changed! "+s.previous()+" -> "+s.current());
Once you've created your menu and added all the elements you want, now would probably be a good time to display it.
You can display a menu using ChatMenu#openFor(Player player)
Player p = ...;