- Powered with Compass, Blueprint, HAML, SASS, jQuery, Sinatra, and Ruby.
- Lorem Ipsum generator to quickly place text.
- Fake content with faker, and make it easy to design a user-centered experience.
- Helpers make everything from generating links to dropping placeholder images a few keystrokes away.
- Design palette for easy color reference, grid toggling and other bits.
- Automatically generate static views to share with clients.
git clone git://github.com/nex3/haml.git
cd haml
sudo rake install
sudo gem install chriseppstein-compass --source=http://gems.github.com/
sudo gem install RedCloth lorem faker sinatra
if you haven’t already downloaded framer, get it with git:
git clone git://github.com/seaofclouds/framer.git
cd framer
ruby framer.app
visit http://localhost:4567/ in your browser.
edit views, stylesheets and javascript with tools you know: jquery, haml, sass, and ruby.
framer is new and in active development. It’s improving, and can use your help!
Bring your code slinging skills to Github and help us develop new features for framer!
git clone git://github.com/seaofclouds/framer.git
- blake mizerany, for sinatra. awesome, awesome sinatra.
- hampton catlin for haml, sass and making my life so much easier.
- ryan tomayko for staticizer, something i’ve wanted to do in sinatra for a long time.
- chris eppstein, for compass. without it, i never would have used blueprint.
- christian montoya for blueprint
- to all you CSS developers out there who strive for something better, and easier
- leffe for refreshing breaks during development