Problem sets from "Pointers on C" by Kenneth A. Reek
All problems are from the book "Pointers on C" by Kenneth A. Reek.
A few of the programs are of my own creation, but are based on the problems in the book.
- intel 64 arch manpages
- opcode and instruction reference for x86
- x86-64 assembly language reference
- Stanford CS107 x86-64 reference sheet
Questions for chapters 1-4: I did these on paper in a notebook. Don't feel like transcribing them.
Problem(s) that I've either entirely skipped or got stuck on and moved on from.
See todo/ for more details.
8.6-8.8: Instructiuons are stupid long and kind of nonsensical. 17.6, 17.8: Who uses arrayed BSTs?
15.11: Refactor, it's a mess. *error handling * void pointers to handle generic callbacks *write generic traversal function to pass with trx * no need for inv struct--just need to init part zero * check on the PartData struct--it's a bit weird with the union
17.10: Deleting a node with current interface is messy. *need parent node * handle root deletion * new BST struct with pointer to root node?