This is a productivity app created with React Native using the Expo CLI. The user can create virtual decks of flashcards, build a library of questions and answers for a specific topic and challenge himself by taking quizzes and documenting his learning progress. Daily notifications remind the user to keep at it.
Please note that this project was created using the Expo CLI. To run the app for testing the Expo CLI needs to be installed globally on your system. You can install the tool with the following CLI command:
npm install -g expo-cli
Clone this repository onto your local machine and then install all dependencies using the NPM package manager by running this command in your root directory:
npm install
After installing all dependencies you can test the app using the expo mobile-app - available in your respective app store. Use the following CLI command to run the local test server / remote debugger:
npm start
Open the expo app on your phone and scan the QR code you see on your screen to test the app directly on your mobile device.
This app has been tested on Android.