Repository for the pytorch EnPGF implementation, the EnPGF explorer app and the apache kafka EnPGF Online training framework described in the blog post Online EnPGF training for temporal point processes.
Installing/running the code assumes that:
nvidia drivers and toolkit are correctly set up on the host system,
docker engine is running on the host system to operate kafka.
While all the features can run on a properly set up host sytem, we provide a docker compose installation that provides an isolated framework and lets the host system untouched.
The docker install facilitates the installation of the package by providing an isolated framework. From a terminal run the commands
git clone
cd enpgf-lab
docker compose up -d
this installs, sets up and starts the following containers:
kafka: a kafka broker which organizes and stores streams of events,
kafka-ui: a simple dashboard to monitor the flow of data produced and consumed, available at
. -
enpgf-lab: a minimal ubuntu 22.04 distribution with nvidia-cuda toolkit and required packages (torch, dash, kafka, ...) which starts the app and makes it avalaible at
A terminal bash is available by running the command
docker exec -it enpgf-lab /bin/bash
from which you can start a python or ipython console, or start a jupyter session via the command
jupyter notebook --ip --no-browser --allow-root
available at
The web app should be running and available at
, to load an example press Drag and Drop or Select Files
and select sim_512_enpgf.json
from the sim
To start the kafka producer and consumer, first open an enpgf-lab bash and start the producer
docker exec -it enpgf-lab /bin/bash
python /src/kafka/
then open a second enpgf-lab bash and start the consumer
docker exec -it enpgf-lab /bin/bash
python /src/kafka/
To stop the containers use the command docker compose down
. To start again the containers use docker compose up -d
To run the codes without docker, first install the required libraries using
pip install -r requirements.txt
The example presented in the blog post can be reproduced using
python src/
The dash app can be started using
python src/
and the app is available at