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CMPT 756 - Distributed and Cloud Systems - Spring 2022

This repository is the project for CMPT 756 - Distributed and Cloud Systems. For this project we have used Amazon Web Services to cater to the compute requirements.


Amazon Web Services(AWS) Setup

Since the project is using AWS for its execution, you would require an AWS account to run it. If you do not already have an AWS account click here

Code Structure

Folder Name Description
ci Continuous Integration related files
cluster EKS cluster configuration related files
db Database service for accessing AWS DynamoDB
gatling Files to generate synthetic load for services
loader Load DynamoDB with fixtures for the three services
logs Logs files are saved here to reduce clutter
s1 Users Service
s2 Music service
s3 Playlist service
tools 'Tools' container to develop new services locally

System Architecutre

System Diagram

Service Short name Description
Users s1 List of users
Music s2 Lists of songs and their artist
Database db Interface to key-value store
Playlist s3 List of Playlists

How to run the system

1. Clone the project

  git clone 

2. Instantiate the template files

Fill in the required values in the template variable file

Copy the file cluster/tpl-vars-blank.txt to cluster/tpl-vars.txt and fill in all the required values in tpl-vars.txt. You will need values like your AWS keys, your GitHub signon, and other identifying information. See the comments in that file for details. Note that you will need to have installed Gatling first, because you will be entering its path in tpl-vars.txt.

3. Download and Start Docker Application

  • In your system, download and launch Docker Desktop.
  • Open Unix Terminal at the location of your cloned code.

Start Tools Container

Once you have filled in all the details, open terminal at the location where you cloned the repositor and run the following command

$ tools/

This will start a container on your system. Your terminal will show .../home/k8s...# as the current prompt.

Instantiate the templates

Next you need to instantiate every template file. In the tools container, run this command:

$ make -f k8s-tpl.mak templates

This will check that all the programs you will need have been installed and are in the search path. If any program is missing, install it before proceeding.

The script will then generate makefiles personalized to the data that you entered in clusters/tpl-vars.txt.

Creating a Cluster

Start up an Amazon EKS cluster as follows:

/home/k8s# make -f eks.mak start

This is a slow operation, often taking 10–15 minutes. See Appendix for more operations for managing cluster.

Installing the service mesh istio

istio is a service mesh that was conceived concurrently with k8s. But for various reasons, it was ultimately pulled out of k8s and developed as an independent project.

Create a new namespace

Create a new namespace named c756ns inside each cluster and set each context to use it:

/home/k8s#  kubectl config use-context aws756
/home/k8s#  kubectl create ns c756ns
/home/k8s#  kubectl config set-context aws756 --namespace=c756ns

Installing the service mesh istio

istio is installed into each cluster only once but it will only operate within specific namespaces that you choose. A k8s namespace is a cluster-level construct that organizes the resources within your cluster.

To use istio with an application, you create a namespace for your application, label the namespace for istio, and install your application into this namespace.

To install Istio and label the c756ns namespace:

/home/k8s# kubectl config use-context aws756
/home/k8s# istioctl install -y --set profile=demo --set
/home/k8s# kubectl label namespace c756ns istio-injection=enabled

See Appendix for more operations within istio

Accessing the AWS Cluster

The required external IP address of the cluster can be fetched using kubectl:

/home/k8s# kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway | cut -c -140

Sample Output:

NAME                   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                                                              PORT(S)      
istio-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer   15021:32744/T

The EXTERNAL-IP is the entry point to the cluster.

Building your Docker Images

Now, we need to build the containers and push them to the container registry. We are using GitHub Container Registry for this project.

We build four services as follows:

Service Image name
Users cmpt756s1
Music cmpt756s2
Playlist cmpt756s3
Database cmpt756db

To build the images:

/home/k8s# make -f k8s.mak cri

Grant public access to the images

Switch your container repositories to public access. Refer to GitHub’s documentation.

Deploying the four services to AWS

DB: The database service, providing persistent storage to the three higher-level services, S1, S2 S3. DynamoDB: An Amazon service, called by DB to actually store the values.

Gateway: A link between S1, S2, S3 and the external world. To run this, we first need to start the gateway, database, users, music and playlist services. This can be achieved by the following command:

/home/k8s# make -f k8s.mak gw db s1 s2 s3

To complete the setup for all the services, we need to initialize DynamoDB and load it with mock data. This mock data is loaded from exisitng csv files:

/home/k8s# make -f k8s.mak loader

This step builds and pushes another image cmpt756loader to GitHub Container Registry. Set the access for this new image to public as done before.

Create a new namespace

Kubernetes uses a namespace to organize applications. Begin by creating a namespace c756ns and setting it as the default:

/home/k8s# kubectl create ns c756ns
/home/k8s# kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=c756ns

Provisioning : Installing the course's sample application and the components required. It can be done by running

/home/k8s# make -f k8s.mak provision

To get the link to the Grafana Dashbaord

/home/k8s# make -f k8s.mak grafana-url. 

To login into the dashboard, use the following credentials

  • User: admin
  • Password: prom-operator

Open the c756 transactions dashboard

After signon, you will see the Grafana home screen. Navigate to our dashboard by hovering on the “Dashboards”(four squares) icon on the left. Select “Browse” from the menu. This will bring up a list of dashboards. Click on c756 transactions.

Send load to the application from Gatling

Run the following commands with 30 as NUM-USERS. This will generate a load for the relevant microservice

/home/k8s# tools/ <NUM-USERS>
/home/k8s# tools/ <NUM-USERS>
/home/k8s# tools/ <NUM-USERS>

Manually scale the system

Add more pods to a service. Put the required count of pods in the replica-count. Example: /home/k8s# kubectl scale deployment/cmpt756s3-v1 --replicas 5

/home/k8s# kubectl scale deployment/cmpt756s3-v1 --replicas <replica-count>

Add more worker node. Put the required worker node count in the node-count Example: eksctl scale nodegroup --name=worker-nodes --cluster aws756 --nodes 5

/home/k8s# eksctl scale nodegroup --name=worker-nodes --cluster aws756 --nodes <node-count>

Autoscale the system

We will deploy the metrics server using Kubernetes Metrics Server.

/home/k8s# kubectl apply -f

Set threshold for required metrics above which the pods will autoscale Example: /home/k8s# kubectl set resources deployment cmpt756s3-v1 -c=cmpt756s3-v1 --limits=cpu=80m,memory=64Mi

kubectl set resources deployment <service-name> -c=<service-name> --limits=cpu=80m,memory=64Mi

Setting minimum and maximum number of pods to be autoscaled. Example: /home/k8s# kubectl autoscale deployment cmpt756s3-v1 --min=2 --max=100

/home/k8s# kubectl autoscale deployment <service-name> --min=2 --max=100

Kill the Gatling load


Stop the EKS cluster

make -f eks.mak stop


  • A major part of the code base has been taken from c756-exer repository. This repository is developed and maintained by the teaching team of CMPT 756 at Simon Fraser University. We highly appreciate their efforts and constant improvement to the code.


Additional targets to manage AWS cluster:

Service Description
make -f eks.mak start create your EKS cluster
make -f eks.mak stop delete your EKS cluster
make -f eks.mak down delete an EKS cluster’s nodegroup
make -f eks.mak up reate a nodegroup for an EKS cluster whose group was previously deleted
make -f eks.mak status check on the status of your EKS cluster
make -f eks.mak ls ist all EKS clusters and their node groups
make -f eks.mak cd make the EKS cluster your current cluster (when runnning clusters from multiple vendors)


Upon completion of the creation of the cluster, to see the summary of the current environment (also known as kubeconfig) by:

/home/k8s#  kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME     CLUSTER                      AUTHINFO                         NAMESPACE
*         aws756   [email protected]   

where AWSID will be your AWS userid.

Managing cloud costs

To reduce cost, you can either delete the cluster entirely (make -f eks.mak stop) or delete the nodegroup. Either of these command will again take a relatively long time (10+ min) to complete.

To delete the nodegroup of your cloud cluster:
/home/k8s#  make -f VENDOR.mak down
To recreate the node-group of your cloud cluster:
/home/k8s#  make -f VENDOR.mak up

Remove the label from istio

/home/k8s# kubectl label namespace c756ns istio-injection-

To view the logs of any service. Kubernetes offers a similar command:

/home/k8s# kubectl logs --selector app=cmpt756s2 --container cmpt756s2 --tail=-1
The --selector parameter specifies the pod name and the --container parameter specifies the container name (both of which are cmpt756s2), while --tail=-1 requests that the entire log be returned, no matter how long.

List the tables in DynamoDB

$ aws dynamodb list-tables

To create/delete these tables by way of AWS’ CloudFormation (AWS’ IaC technology):

# create a stack that encapsulate the 2 tables
$ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <SomeStackName> --template-body file://path/to/cluster/cloudformationdynamodb.json 
# delete the stack
$ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <SomeStackName>

Check if the replicas were allotted to a service

kubectl describe deploy/<service-name>

Check the number of worker-nodes running currently

kubectl get nodes


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