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Stuff injected into every AutoTools web Screens that you can use in your own Web Screen presets

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Stuff injected into every AutoTools web Screens that you can use in your own Web Screen presets

Quick Start

Look at this example on how to create a simple Web Screen with an input field. You'll learn how to make a Web Screen send out an AutoApps command and what a basic page structure looks like. You can even use the direct link of the file as the Source in the AutoTools Web Screen action and see it action on your Android device.

Full Tutorial

If you want a step by step tutorial on how to create your own Web Screen check here.

How To Use

Look into each file and stuff will be documented :)

If you want to try out the demos you can do so by using the direct raw Github URL as the Source in the AutoTools Web Screen action. For example, to use the card list demo, use this as the source.

Web Screen Variables

You can create custom variables for a page used as an AutoTools Web Screen.

To do this include a special tag in the pages head section with the following format:

<meta name="autotoolswebscreen" type="variablejs" group="Title" id="titleFromTasker" label="Title" description="Title to show at the top." hint="YouTube" />

Let's break it down:

  • name - is always autotoolswebscreen
  • type - can be variablejs (will create a JavaScript variable) or variablehtml (will replace an html element with the specified ID)
  • group - is used to group variables together in the AutoTools Web Screen Tasker configuration screen
  • id - the name of the JavaScript variable or HTML element to create/replace
  • label - title of the option in the configuration screen
  • description - summary of the option in the configuration screen
  • hint - placeholder text of the option in the configuration screen

Here are other possible fields for this *<meta> tag

  • subtype - can be boolean to make the option in Tasker a switch instead of a text input. In JavaScript will create a variable with either true or false
  • defaultValue - pre-filled value for the field
  • options - If set, will create an options field in the AutoTools Web Screen Tasker configuration screen instead of a direct text input field. Set to a comma separated list of values.
  • isIcon - if true then the input field in the AutoTools Web Screen Tasker configuration screen will prompt the user to browse for an icon
  • isIcons - same as above but supports multiple icons
  • isImage and isImages - same as above but for generic images
  • isColor - same as above but to browse for a color
  • isFile - same as above but to browse for a file of any type
  • attribute (HTML Variable Only) - allows you to specify an attribute to set instead of setting the inner HTML of an element (for example, setting the href of an a element)

Here's an example of a screen where multiple variables are used. Take a look at the source code of the page for some examples.

Web Screen Functions

AutoTools automatically creates some convenience JavaScript functions for you so it's easier to do certain things with the data from Web Screen Variables.

You can check out all of the functions here.

Here are a few of the main ones:

  • AutoTools.sendCommand(command, prefix, hapticFeedback) - Allows you to send an AutoApps command. prefix is optional and if present will prepend =:= to the command. Example: <div onclick="AutoTools.sendCommand('hello!')">Say Hello</div> will send the "hello" command when clicked. If you set the third parameter to true it'll perform haptic feedback with the command.
  • AutoTools.isSet(varName) - returns true if the Web Screen Variable with the provide name is set, false otherwise
  • AutoTools.setDefault(varName,value) - sets the variable with name varName to the value value if it's not set from Tasker
  • AutoTools.setDefaultValues(valuesObject) - accepts an object like {"var1":"value1","var2":"value2"} and calls the AutoTools.setDefault function for each of the names and values in the object, so you can set all your default values in one call. Check the source of this page for an example on how to use this.
  • AutoTools.hide(element) - hides an element on the page
  • - shows an element on the page
  • AutoTools.variablesToElements(variableNamesArray, rootElementsId, rootElementClass, itemTransformer) - converts AutoTools Web Screen variables to HTML elements on a list. itemTransformer is optional and if present will be called for every element that's created. Check the source of this page for an example on how to use this.

Updating Values

Instead of doing a full refresh every time AutoTools allows you to update stuff on the page. This is done by AutoTools calling the


function when it wants to update values so you need to declare it on the page if you want to support updating. values will contain an object with properties named after the Web Screen variables declared on the page. So, for example, if you declare a title and a text variable on the page, you'll get an object like

  "title":"Some Title",
  "text:"some text"

You can then update the values on the page how ever you please based on this object.

The Update option will only show in the Tasker configuration screen if the autoToolsUpdateValues() function is present on the main Source page.

Check out this demo for a working web screen with the updating feature.


You can use

console.debug("log message");

to make logs show up in the AutoTools logs if System Logs are enabled in the main AutoTools app under Logs And Alerts.

If there's an error message in the console and the Close On Error option is set in Tasker the screen will close.


Stuff injected into every AutoTools web Screens that you can use in your own Web Screen presets






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  • JavaScript 99.6%
  • CSS 0.4%