His Master's voice
Bralador is a dead simple viewer to publish your inspired posts in markdown.
View a demo at http://bralador.meteor.com.
Fork the contribution package :
[email protected]:scopyleft/bralador-contribution.git
Open a terminal:
$ curl https://install.meteor.com | /bin/sh
$ cd ~
$ git clone [email protected]:scopyleft/bralador.git
$ cd bralador
$ git clone [email protected]:pointbar/bralador-contribution.git packages/contribution
$ cp packages/blog/private/_infos.sample.json packages/blog/private/_infos.json
$ meteor
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
Open packages/blog/private/_infos.json file
"name": Name of your product, it appear in top left corner
"title": Window name
"menu_title": Title of posts menu
"staging": Meteor project name, it's deploy on : name.meteor.com
"prod": Domain name of production environment
Just launch deploy script : $ ./deploy
The script try to actualize github environment. In second time, it tries to deploy on staging and production environment.
Open a terminal:
$ cd ~/bralador
$ meteor
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
Open a terminal:
$ cd ~/bralador
$ meteor deploy myblog.meteor.com
Open http://myblog.meteor.com in your browser.
Buy a domain name and configure a CNAME to origin.meteor.com.
Open a terminal:
$ cd ~/bralador
$ meteor deploy http://www.myblog.com
Open your url in your browser.
$ curl 'http://localhost:3000/article/all_that?_escaped_fragment_='
MMD https://github.com/dtjm/node-multimarkdown https://github.com/fletcher/MultiMarkdown/wiki/MultiMarkdown-Syntax-Guide
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