Taxonomic Extraction Normalization Transformation and Accounting for Kraken/bracKen fiLes
This is a pre-beta release. It's probably not suitable for your purposes yet...
kraken2 and bracken are highly-cited tools for classifying short read data and generating relative abundances.
This tool reads bracken (and kraken) report files and performs a variety of operations.
- Supports user-selectable target taxa (reads are aggregated to parent taxonomic nodes)
- Supports user-selectable taxa to remove from the report
- Recovers reads lost by bracken (reported in STDOUT as "reads discarded" and "reads not distributed")
- Recovers unclassified reads from the kraken2 reports
- Supports output of raw counts, normalization to bracken (~classified reads) or normalization to kraken2 (~classified+unclassified)
- Supports list (tidy) and wide (Excel-compatible) outputs
16:45 biowulf minitax$ perl -w
Taxonomic Extraction Normalization Transformation and Accounting for Kraken/bracKen fiLes
usage perl -w [options] -config minitax.cfg -bracken kraken_output/*_bracken.kreport
-config file list of target taxa, text file, one taxon per line
preface taxon with '-' to have reads at that level removed. Child taxa unaffected
-bracken files bracken-corrected kraken taxonomy reports
-kraken files [optional] kraken taxonomy reports, used to extract unclassified reads
-out file output filename (STDOUT by default)
-outfmt list|wide list=tidy or wide=matrix; list has counts and normalized; wide uses normalize option
-normalize n|b|k (outfmt=wide) n=counts
b=normalize to 1 using bracken total
k=normalize to 1 using kraken total (incl. unclassified)
-add_lost add reads lost during bracken read reassignment to a root taxon
-add_unclassified add unclassified reads category
-precision int number of decimal places when normalizing
-logfile file write a logfile (still under development)
-verbose int 0=no info, 1=file-level info, 2=taxa-level info
This is an example taxonomic configuration file
15:05 biowulf minitax$ cat minitax.config
#hierarchical list of target taxa
#indenting is for readability only
#use a minus (-) to drop taxa (but not child taxa)
Cutibacterium acnes
Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus capitis
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Staphylococcus hominis
Malassezia globosa
Malassezia restricta
[Candida] auris
Homo sapiens
Human papillomavirus
Merkel cell polyomavirus
You might run tentakkl on a collection of bracken files like:
15:22 biowulf minitax$ perl -w -bracken kraken_output/*_bracken_species.kreport -kraken kraken_output/Met????.kreport -verbose 1 -config minitax.config -add_lost -add_unclassified -outfmt list > test5.txt
That list format file can be visualized in R