executing project in local computer
git clone it cd go_mpi_network/goai uncomment one case in myai.go go build ./goai
- This project source code can be found,This is the README page.
- Iris dataset (
- Intel image classification, ( Download it, put archive it in the folder ./datasets/
All training data will equally divied for each training network, specially for mpi
- ./goai/.irisenv
- ./goai/.imgenv
inputdataDims=4 inputLayerNeurons=30 hiddenLayerNeurons=20 outputLayerNeurons=3 labelOnehotDims=3 numEpochs=100 learningRate=0.01 batchSize=4
no singularity, installing golang 1.18 was failed always
using binary executable code of golang, go build and then transfering goai to cluster.
#SBATCH --job-name mpi-go-neural-network
#SBATCH -p fat
#SBATCH -n 20
#SBATCH --time=01:30:00
module purge
module load openmpi
mpirun -n 20 ./goai
As AI comes to deep learning, the computing resource becomes more critical for training process.
- Image Classification
- Semantic segmentation
- Distributed learning
raining data -> inputLayer(w1, b1) -> dinputLayer Normalization dinputLayer -> hiddenLayer(w2, b2) -> dhiddenLayer Normalization dhiddenLayer -> OutputLayer(w3, b3) -> doutputLayer
Loss = L2: (doutputLayer - onehotlable)^2
Backpropagation from Loss of Outputlayer to w3, b3 Backpropagation from error of Hiddenlayer to w2, b2 Backpropagation from error of Inputlayer to w1, b1
Derivative of sigmoid, Normalization, Standardization
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
- Mini-batch Gradient Descent (MBGD)
- Batch Gradient Descent (BGD)
func main() {
You can review my code, and choose one of them to be executed in /goai/myai.go main function.
Comparing with python:
- ./pytorchDemo/
- ./pytorchDemo/
- ./pytorchDemo/ import CGO as C
- Collective
- gompi.BcastFloat64s() -> C.MPI \textunderscore Bcast()
- gompi.AllreduceFloat64s -> C.MPI \textunderscore Allreduce()
- Non Collective
- gompi.SendFloat64s() -> C.MPI \textunderscore Send()
- gompi.SendFloat64() -> C.MPI \textunderscore Send()
- gompi.RecvFloat64s() -> C.MPI \textunderscore Recv()
- gompi.RecvFloat64() -> C.MPI \textunderscore Recv()
- in main network weights will be initialized, but not for training,
- weights will broadcast to all other training networks
- in train network receive weights from main network for initialization
- After each batch training done, sending its weights variance to main network
- receiving the variance from all training network
- accumulating and then sending back to training network
- start next training batch
- All network train its data respectively,
- After each train batch, pack all weights into array
- MPI_Allreduce for new array
- updating weights with new array
neural network model implement is not perfect, so the accuracy performance not so well
For each epoch:
- Allreduce: about 2 minutes
- Send&Recv: about 3.6 minutes, because of synchronization of each batch training
Change nodes, scaling behavior, such as speedup diagrams is missing
Change the batchsize, reducing mpi communication
- Golang can also be used for parallel computing
- neural network implementation of golang can be improved
- HPC cluster for distributed learning has significant benefits for large dataset