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Hyku, the Hydra-in-a-Box Repository Application

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Running the stack

For development / testing with Docker


On OS X or Linux we recommend running Dory. It acts as a proxy allowing you to access domains locally such as hyku.test or tenant.hyku.test, making multitenant development more straightforward and prevents the need to bind ports locally. Be sure to adjust your ~/.dory.yml file to support the .test tld. You can still run in development via docker with out Dory. To do so, copy docker-compose.override-nodory.yml to docker-compose.override.yml before starting doing docker-compose up. You can then see the application at the loopback domain ''.

gem install dory
dory up

Basic steps

docker-compose up web

This command starts the whole stack in individual containers allowing Rails to be started or stopped independent of the other services. Once that starts (you'll see the line Passenger core running in multi-application mode. to indicate a successful boot), you can view your app in a web browser with at either hyku.test or localhost:3000 (see above). When done docker-compose stop shuts down everything.

Tests in Docker

The full spec suite can be run in docker locally. There are several ways to do this, but one way is to run the following:

docker-compose exec web rake

Update Dependencies

You can edit the Gemfile then run:

docker compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.bundle.yml up

The above will make sure to bundle the updated gems.

With out Docker

Please note that this is unused by most contributors at this point and will likely become unsupported in a future release of Hyku unless someone in the community steps up to maintain it.

For development

postgres -D ./db/postgres
redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
DISABLE_REDIS_CLUSTER=true bundle exec good_job start
DISABLE_REDIS_CLUSTER=true bundle exec rails server -b

For testing

See the Hyku Development Guide for how to run tests.

Working with Translations

You can log all of the I18n lookups to the Rails logger by setting the I18N_DEBUG environment variable to true. This will add a lot of chatter to the Rails logger (but can be very helpful to zero in on what I18n key you should or could use).

$ I18N_DEBUG=true bin/rails server


AWS CloudFormation templates for the Hyku stack are available in a separate repository:

With Docker

We distribute two docker-compose.yml configuration files. The first is set up for development / running the specs. The other, docker-compose.production.yml is for running the Hyku stack in a production setting. . Once you have docker installed and running, launch the stack using e.g.:

docker-compose up -d web

Note: You may need to add your user to the "docker" group.

newgrp docker

With Vagrant

The samvera-vagrant project provides another simple way to get started "kicking the tires" of Hyku (and Hyrax), making it easy and quick to spin up Hyku. (Note that this is not for production or production-like installations.) It requires VirtualBox and Vagrant.

With Kubernetes

Hyku relies on the helm charts provided by Hyrax. See Deployment Info for more information. We also provide a basic helm deployment script. Hyku currently needs some additional volumes and ENV vars over the base Hyrax. See (ops/review-deploy.tmpl.yaml) for an example of what that might look like.

New Tenants

New tenants on the Dev or Production servers will need to be assigned an ingress as well an SSL cert manually before the tenant is created. Software Services does not have access to the DNS servers, so a wildcard cert is not possible. Before a tenant is created, a developer will need to add the domain to the dev-deploy.tmpl.yaml or production-deploy.tmpl.yaml under the field && ingress.tls.hosts field.

Single Tenant Mode

Much of the default configuration in Hyku is set up to use multi-tenant mode. This default mode allows Hyku users to run the equivielent of multiple Hyrax installs on a single set of resources. However, sometimes the subdomain splitting multi-headed complexity is simply not needed. If this is the case, then single tenant mode is for you. Single tenant mode will not show the tenant sign up page, or any of the tenant management screens. Instead it shows a single Samvera instance at what ever domain is pointed at the application.

To enable single tenant, in your settings.yml file change multitenancy/enabled to false or set SETTINGS__MULTITENANCY__ENABLED=false in your docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.production.yml configs. After changinig this setting, run rails db:seed to prepopulate the single tenant.

In single tenant mode, both the application root (eg. localhost, or hyku.test) and the tenant url single.* (eg. single.hyku.test) will load the tenant. Override the root host by setting multitenancy/root_host in settings.yml or SETTINGS__MULTITENANCY__ROOT_HOST.

To change from single- to multi-tenant mode, change the multitenancy/enabled flag to true and restart the application. Change the 'single' tenant account cname in the Accounts edit interface to the correct hostname.

Switching accounts

There are three recommend ways to switch your current session from one account to another by using:

# or
# or

Development Dependencies


Hyku supports multitenancy using the apartment gem. apartment works best with a postgres database.


Enable Bulkrax:

  • Set bulkrax -> enabled to true in the config/settings.yml and .env files
  • Add require bulkrax/application to app/assets/javascripts/application.js and app/assets/stylesheets/application.css files.

(in a docker-compose exec web bash if you're doing docker otherwise in your terminal)

bundle exec rails db:migrate

from CSV:

./bin/import_from_csv localhost spec/fixtures/csv/gse_metadata.csv ../hyku-objects

from purl:

./bin/import_from_purl ../hyku-objects bc390xk2647 bc402fk6835 bc483gc9313


  • Ruby 2.7+ is recommended. Later versions may also work.
  • Rails 5 is required. We recommend the latest Rails 5.1 release.

Product Owner



The Samvera community is here to help. Please see our support guide.


This software was developed by the Hydra-in-a-Box Project (DPLA, DuraSpace, and Stanford University) under a grant from IMLS.

This software is brought to you by the Samvera community. Learn more at the Samvera website.

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